Guess the Logo

Guess the Logo. I didn’t do too badly, actually! The only ones that really screwed me up were Netflix (because hello? Not in Australia!) and eBay. My final time was 4:06:10.


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  1. interesting quiz.

    what amused me was how many times i picked the right logo last! i must look at the google logo a thousand times a week but i have no idea what order the colours are in, it doesn’t matter.

    the only ones i was certain i was right on first time were amazon (the arrow goes from a to z, i always thought that was a clever logo) and flickr, because it has to be the r that’s in a different colour. both nice bits of design.

  2. It was funny to me that the Snook had trouble with Amazon. I thought everybody knew that it A) was a smile and B) went from A to Z. But apparently there are precious few of us that make that observation. 🙂

    Actually I did well with Google. I found that if I just instinctively clicked on the one that looked right, I got it right. When I studied them cloeser – like Yahoo or eBay – I floundered all over the place.

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