Gunning itOfficial City2Surf Results and Photos
The official race results and pictures are now up, though the site’s been getting hammered all day: me, Rodd. If you watch the videos, we come running up pretty much in the middle. (I’m wearing a navy blue baseball cap, if that helps.) Our time was 105:46, which meant we placed 27,294th out of more than 50,000 finishers. They got LOADS of photos of us this year, and thankfully I don’t look too stupid in any of them. I’ve archived them here if you want to have a look.City2Surf 2008 City2Surf 2008

City2Surf 2008 City2Surf 2008

City2Surf 2008 City2Surf 2008

City2Surf 2008 City2Surf 2008