Wow. There’s an article at the Observer about a girl from Howard Hall who was banned from the dorm after breaking parietals. I can’t believe that the punishment is so harsh. I always had the impression that a lot of coed sleep-overs happened on campus, but this makes it sound like they’re really cracking down.
Category: PW Blog
Did I mention that this weblog is now All About Me? Good. Here, look at my pictures from EuroDisney. Perhaps you’ll be more inclined to leave comments about them than my witty and incisive Notre Dame commentary.
Yeah, so we lost to I.U. Big whoop. I’d like to point out that Troy Murphy, our best player and the #2 high scorer in the country, sprained his ankle two days earlier. Not that I’m making excuses or anything.
ND vs IU
I’m a Hoosier, and I’d like nothing more than to see ND beat the pants off I.U. this week. At the same time, though, I almost don’t want I.U. to get their ass kicked all season, because I feel that will vindicate a lot of the people who think getting rid of Knight was a mistake. And I do think the man had some, uh, issues.
Efficiency = bad?!
Sorry, Kel, but this Andersen Consulting guy who spoke at ND sounds like a real wanker. I mean, whose side is he on? He says that e-commerce hurts businesses by making the market more efficient. Should that be a goal? Shouldn’t we, as the world’s foremost example of capitalism, be striving to give consumers as much “perfect information” as possible? Why is it good that companies only survive because people are deliberately restricted from looking for competition? Obviously this guy’s on the side of the “fat, dumb and happy” retailers and not on the side of consumers.
Fiesta Bowl
Apparently every student who wants a Fiesta Bowl ticket will be able to buy one this week for $75. I’m impressed; I figured there’d be a lottery or something. There’s also information on the tailgater, pep rally, and travel accommodations if you’re interested.
England vs US
So the Observer’s all full of passionate letters about the possible ordination of women, and yet meanwhile here in England, a vicar returned to her pulpit after a sex change operation. Kickass. God, I’m happy to be here.
DISCUSSION TOPIC: We all listen to music at work/school. (Well, maybe not Lizzie, since she’s a teacher and all.) What’s your favorite song to play in the background while you get shit done? I’m gonna cast my vote here for “Islands in the Stream” by Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton. Don’t laugh! It always puts me in a contemplative, productive sort of mood.
Vote vote vote!
Tourney of Traditions Update: We’re currently losing to Texas A&M 58% to 42%. Vote, vote, vote!