Month: May 2005 (page 3 of 7)

Julie Cooper Hair

moblogged imageThe Return of the Bangs
I went to get my color redone last night so I had my hairdresser give me a bit of a trim too. Halfway through the cut I was like, “You know, I was kinda thinking about bringing back the fringe….” And she was like, “Really?! Because I think you’d look HOT with fringe.” So I nodded, held my breath, and we did it. And the whole way home I felt like a total rock star. Something was niggling in the back of my mind though. Everytime I caught a glance of my reflection, I thought I looked like someone. It wasn’t until we were eating pancakes this morning and watching a TiVoed episode of The O.C. that it hit me: I have Julie Cooper hair!

Kitten War

Kitten War. Oh my God, that’s the CUTEST THING EVER. It’s “Am I Hot or Not” for kittens! We have, of course, uploaded the cutest picture we have of Dr. Amy Jones, so now we’re just waiting for it to be approved before she can start kicking some ass. Vote for her, dammit!

Magical Mac Key Sequences

Magical Mac Key Sequences. That’s an amazingly helpful resource even for those of us who’ve been using Macs for awhile. I can never remember those things.

Spring Knitty surprises!

Hey Helen, this Spring Knitty surprise is for you!

We are not a home to Mr. Cock-Up.

We are not a home to Mr. Cock-Up.
Actually, yes we are. While checking the final proof of a mailout that’s being sent to thousands of customers, I managed to spot that the word “off” had been mispelled. I smugly congratulated myself for saving us heaps of embarrassment. However, I failed to note that both our 800 number and the website address were incorrect as well. The whole run’s been printed and it’s too late to change. Like I said, it’s a cock-up.

WW Shoes

Does anyone else think that they would totally buy these shoes if they were available for adults? I’m envisioning Apple and Weight Watchers joining forces to create a stylish Eurosneaker with a Firewire plug in the heel. At the end of the day you’d plug in and the shoe would not only calculate how many Weight Watchers points you’d earned, but how many hours of TV/Internet/knitting time you were eligible for. It’s genius.

Nappy comparison

Huh. Apparently disposable diapers are no more environmentally destructive than cloth diapers. I did not know that.

Yeah, it was all right.

It’s four in the morning and we just got back from the showing. Yeah, that was pretty much all right. A good and fitting end to the series, and to our whole (collective) Star Wars moviegoing experience. Moments that stood out for me: The whole theater going silent after the title crawl as the two fighters gracefully swooped over the big ship… and straight into the most frenetic space battle we’ve seen yet. Obi-Wan’s kick-ass ninja pose. Thinking that Ian McDiarmid was acting the pants off everyone else in the movie… until he started gnawing on the scenery. Wondering just what was up with Natalie Portman’s face in that film. (No, seriously. What was with that? Did she put on weight to play pregnant or something? Because she looked totally different from the way she usually does, and not in a good way. She had some Keira Knightley Duck Face going on there.) Laughing at the costume designer that actually envisioned a women sleeping in a nightgown with swags of pearls across the upper arms. Feeling tearful and desperate as the clone troopers carried out Order 66 and the Jedi were gunned down. Hayden Christensen without his shirt on. (What can I say? He’s grown on me.) The utter ridiculousness of nearly every love scene. The audience cheering when Yoda slammed the guards into the wall. Thinking that the final showdown between Anakin and Obi-wan was good… but not that good. (Obi-Wan versus Darth Maul, short as it was, is still the best lightsaber fight in the series.) Wondering why Liam Neeson didn’t get a cameo. And sure, 3PO gets his memory wiped, but how the hell does R2 lose all his cool gadgetry? In the first series he couldn’t even negotiate stairs, but now he fools Super Battle Droids with the old “Slick Shoes” routine and even engages in physical comedy.

I could go on and on. But hey, it’s late and I’m tired, and any of you that really give a crap about it are probably going to see it yourself in the next twelve hours or so… so have a good time! It really truly doesn’t suck. There are still a few clunkers but overall the film is packed with action and it didn’t disappoint. ‘Night!

Episodes 7, 8, and 9?

Ebert gives Revenge of the Sith three-and-a-half stars… and predicts that Episodes 7, 8, and 9 will eventually be made. Whoa!

Meanwhile, only two hours left to go. The Snook’s taking a power nap, but I think I’m gonna just wing it. Now all I have to do is withstand the temptation to have a choc top…

Kylie has cancer?

Holy crap. Kylie has cancer. I feel like I should knit Max a black armband or something.