Month: February 2007 (page 5 of 6)


NY knitblogger Sahara has finally posted her (two part!) review of our shop, and she loved it. It’s really interesting for me to read the perspective of someone with fresh eyes, someone who knows the craft industry but doesn’t have any preconceived notions about TC. For as much as we worry about the unfinished parts of the fitout and our lack of professional merchandising skill, she really seemed to like the “clean, uncluttered” space and actually praised some of our displays. She also gives us credit for things we just take for granted, like the fact that we keep the Aboriginal tapestries with all the other Australian designs. (Are there really shops that don’t?) I also appreciated her suggestions for freshening up the samples and improving the lighting in the knitting shop. (These are things I’ve been telling Albert all along, but it helps to have an unbiased opinion.) She also gives major props to the website… which is my baby. So I’m happy. Thanks, Sahara!

Sneak Peek

Sneak PeekSneak Peek
They’re dooooooone! Here’s a little preview for you. My Fifth Annual Oscar Contest will launch in about 24 hours, so stay tuned!

Nike+ Mapping

International Nike+ Users
If any of you are using the Nike+ website from outside the States, I highly suggest you switch your country setting (that little flag down at the bottom) to the US version. Their version of the site has TONS more fun stuff than ours does, including “trash talking” on challenges, downloadable widgets to track your goals, and a new mapping feature that allows you to plot out your runs on a map, Gmaps Pedometer-style. (And yes, there are maps for Sydney.) I can’t see a single drawback to changing the country setting at all. Which makes me wonder – what gives, Nike? Why can’t the rest of the world have cool stuff too?


Thanks to Eva‘s excellent advice, today I finally found my way to the mythical hidden Asian grocery store behind Woolie’s Town Hall. (Take the first left past Platform 9 3/4, basically.) I was able to get both Korean ingredients that I’ve been having trouble finding: gochujang (spicy bean paste) and “kucho karu” (really hot chili flakes). With these, I was finally able to put together some bibimbap! It’s basically rice with a bunch of veggies and meat on top. For the veg, I had carrots, zucchini, spinach, and mung bean sprouts. Each one was blanched and then seasoned with garlic, sesame oil, and salt. The beef was thinly sliced sirloin that we wok fried with garlic, soy sauce, sesame oil, sugar, and black pepper. I also got a fresh daikon and made some fresh daikon salad to go on the side. Then we mixed a bit of gochujang through, and YUMMO! Now I just need to get some stone bowls so we can do dolsot bibimbap and put a fried egg on top.


GASP! Amy has taken an absolutely gorgeous photo of our dear Puss Puss. (View the largest version; it’s breathtaking.)

World of Warcraft

Last night I happened to look over the Snook’s shoulder while he was playing World of Warcraft…

Me: What’s that big monster following you around?
Him: It’s a, uh, “felhound.”
Me: What’s this quest then?
Him: (slightly embarrassed) Well, the felhound ate this key… so I have to kill these big pig things, and then the felhound eats them… and then he craps and I have to sift through the crap to find the key.
Me: WHAT?!
Him: Yep. And after I look through the poop, my character gets hit with a “stanky” after effect.

And indeed, I watched as a funky green mist settled on his character.

Me: And this is what you do for FUN?!


Oh, right. You’re all off watching some football game right now, aren’t you? Yes, they are showing it live on television here. Of course it’s Monday morning, so everybody’s at work instead of sitting at home, eating nachos and mocking Kevin Federline. But for the record – GO COLTS!


It’s pronounced Tar-zhay…
Man, I’m going a little Target CRAZY here. They’ve finally taken down some of the scaffolding at the Broadway and you can see the new third floor where the shops are going to go. My only regret is that it won’t be open in time for the launch of the Stella McCartney line! Hmm, March 12 is only three days before my birthday. That trench coat is sounding like a nice way to easy into my thirties…

Boston Hysterics

Eileen is going to LOVE this: “The important thing to remember about Boston is that it was founded by hysterics.” (Link courtesy of another Boston blogger.)

Free Knit Speech!

You are KIDDING ME. A knit-in at USC was forced to relocate to a “free speech zone”. Good grief.