Month: June 2008 (page 4 of 7)

Runners for Obama

Runners for Obama. I’d buy that T-shirt.

Post-Exercise Headaches

This one’s for the Snook: “How do I stop getting headaches after working out?” Now if only I could find an explanation for why I get the post-exercise sneezes…

Firefox 3

Don’t forget to download Firefox 3 today! They’re trying to set a world record.

Sensis Sucks

I’d just like to say that if this rumour is true, then THANK YOU APPLE. Sensis absolutely sucks and there’s no way I’d want that crap pre-loaded on my iPhone.

Survival Tips

Survival tips for time travelers. My favorite comment is: “Didn’t Bruce Campbell and Sam Raimi already answer this question in Army of Darkness? Just make sure you bring a shotgun, a chemistry textbook, and an Oldsmobile.”


Miracle of miracles – I got the Snook out on the road again! He hasn’t done any running since the 9K Bridge Run in September of last year. His company is entering a team into the City 2 Surf though, and he’s feeling the pressure not to come in last. So Sunday he headed out on a short half-hour run around the neighbourhood with me. My back was still feeling quite tender from the physio earlier in the week, but I managed. My lungs are in great shape now. I didn’t feel winded at all. I may have even been pushing it a bit, trying to impress Snookums with the improvement in my fitness. He kept up with me the whole way, but I think a lot of that was male pride. He’s hurting a lot worse than I am today. Anyway, now I just have to keep him motivated for two more months.

In other news, I went back for another session with the physiotherapist today. My back was starting to lock up again (as he expected), but it wasn’t nearly as bad as it was last week. He put everything back in place and then showed me some simple Pilates exercises to start strengthening my core. I’m still restricted to short 30 minute runs, but I’ve got another week or two before I begin my Melbourne Half-Marathon training in earnest.

Lastly, I was getting caught up on my podcasts this morning and was happily surprised to get a shout-out on Brandon’s Marathon. Brandon ran a triathlon earlier this month, a feat that I can only dream about right now. Well done, Brandon! Good luck on whichever of the fall marathons you decide to do…

Punk Knitting Troll

John sent me a link to this Guardian essay on how “alternative knitters” are killing feminism and the punk movement. He also somehow ties it into WWKIP Day (as if the concept has anything to do with rebellion or alternative culture). The writer also proudly repeats his oh-so-witty observation that “the concept of radical knitting is as absurd as radical dusting or radical toilet cleaning,” and he predicts that he’ll get frothing hate mail from “knitting Nazis.” Quite frankly, I just can’t work up the rage to bother. It’s hard to get angry over what is so transparently a troll. So knitters of the world, please don’t take the bait. This is obviously a sad, humorless little man who deserves neither our ire, attention, or lovely homemade knit goods.

Although… if my knitting *did* in somehow contribute to the disappearance from silly “punk rawk” kids and floppy-haired emo teens from the streets of world, I wouldn’t complain. KNITTERS FOR THE WIN.

WWKIP Day 2008

WWKIP Day 2008
Our WWKIP Day event was a complete triumph, in my humble opinion. We had 53 knitters in attendance (plus one adorable baby). The folks at the Bayside Lounge were fantastic hosts and I can’t say enough good things about them. I’ve posted my photos and I’m sure there’ll be some more from other folks. We gave away a $50 gift certificate (courtesy of TC) and ten pattern books (courtesy of ACS). I sold out of the calico tote bags I had printed. I feel really proud and happy to have helped organise such an awesome gathering! Thanks again to everybody who came.



The big day is here!

WWKIP Day 2008 - Sydney

Kinkos = FAIL

Kinkos = FAIL
ARGH. I wasted like an hour today with stupid Kinkos, trying to get a nice corflute sign printed up for WWKIP Day tomorrow. I was given a price brochure at the North Sydney branch and it lists the price as $50. I emailed the head city branch and asked whether it was possible to get one printed to pick up at noon tomorrow. The guy wrote back and said yes, so I sent them through the file and requested that they confirm the price for me. He never responded, so after an hour I rang them up. Turns out that guy had gone home for the day. The night guy had to ring me back about three times, finally letting me know that my sign had already gone into the production queue, would be ready “by 4pm” tomorrow, and would cost $140. WHAT??

After much to-ing and fro-ing, in which it became apparent that the price in the brochure is for the sign alone – NOT THE PRINTING – I cancelled it. Very frustrated. I really wanted us to have a nice sign. 🙁