Month: August 2008 (page 3 of 8)

Star Wars Bento Box

Star Wars Bento Box. Utinni!

Grown-up Root Beer Float

Yum. Grown-up Root Beer Float. We might need to try that one for Halloween.

Long Living Protagonists

Stories Where the Protagonist Lives for Centuries. Cool list. Bookmarking for future reference.

Sock Extravagance

You know, whenever I start to feel bad about spending my discretionary income on knitting stuff, I just remember that there are people in this world who actually sign up for a lottery just for the privilege of dropping $300 for eight skeins of sock wool. And wow, next to them I feel downright thrifty!

Halloween Props

Halloween Prop Ideas: Witches’ Brew Ingredients.

Weight Watchers as RPG

Weight Watchers = Role Playing Game. It’s a pretty fair comparison, actually. I think that’s why I was so successful on it. If you’re smart, you can work out a winning strategy pretty quickly. The problem, of course, is that by viewing it that way, I wasn’t really changing my longterm habits. I was just playing (and winning) a game. When the game’s over, you go back to real life… which is the problem. For the last week I’ve actually been playing around with Calorie King, which is a free nutrition and exercise tracker. It works the same way as WW Online does, and their support for Australian foods is really good. I’m hoping that by avoiding the WW “Points” abstraction, I can concentrate more on getting a healthy and varied diet and less on tricks and hacks to let me win the game.

Tough Bloke Challenge

I am actually considering entering the Tough Bloke Challenge. It’s a outdoor run with a bunch of obstacles you have to complete, like balance beams and mud pits. Fun, huh? Up until I get to any obstacle involving upper body strength, I suppose…

How to Organize Your Kitchen

How to Organize Your Kitchen. I really need to do that this weekend.

Box Wine

Yeah, um, that’s why we buy boxed wine. Because we’re being green. Really.


iPosture. BRILLIANT. It’s a small chip you clip on your bra strap, and it detects when you start slouching and vibrates to warn you. I need this.