Month: August 2010 (page 4 of 5)

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The Granny Square

The Granny Square
In case you missed the posts on Ravelry, “The Granny Square” is finally open in Newtown! This is the new funky boutique knitting shop run by my old employer Morris & Sons. It’s only a soft-launch for now – they don’t quite have all the stock in yet – but it looks gorgeous. The Other Andrew has been supervising the visual merchandising and it looks great. He’s put several photos up on Flickr.

I am totally taking some credit for the shop, seeing as how it was me that notified Albert that Champion Textiles was going out of business. By the time I met him for dinner that night, he was already working out details of the lease with the owner. See? I put people together to MAKE THINGS HAPPEN.

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Our oven is still waiting to be repaired, but I’m already thinking of ways we can hack it to make great pizza


Happiness Tip: Throw away other people’s trash. I sometimes do this. It only makes me feel happy if the litterer isn’t around though. Otherwise if I see them do it, then my throwing it away usually precedes a blinding rage.

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RunningBlog: Weeks 31-32

Weeks 31-32
I always knew that the last week of the trip would be hard to get in my runs. We were travelling by ourselves in Wisconsin, and we were doing a lot of sightseeing on our feet. (We spent nearly five hours walking through the House on the Rock, for instance, so there was no way I could run after that.) I did get in a 4-miler on the treadmill at our hotel though. Then we basically lost two full days in transit back to Sydney, and then another two to jet lag. Finally managed a decent run (in the freezing rain) on Tuesday, only to come down with a cold later that same day. I’m hangin’ on. My only consolation is that last week was a scheduled cut-back week anyway, so I haven’t wrecked my training plan too badly. I just need to get back out there as soon as I can.

Aug. 1: 10.05km
Aug. 4: 6.4km
Aug. 10: 7.13km
Total for these two weeks: 23.58km (14.73mi)
Total in 2010: 590.32km (368.95mi)

My tally for 2010 has taken a beating though. I’m now 25km behind where I need to be to meet my goal of running 1000km in the calendar year. Eeek!


Welcome to Chunkerville. Population: 2.
Yikes. Snookums replaced the batteries in our bathroom scales today so we could see how our weights fared after three weeks of American food. Folks, it was pretty depressing. I was actually thinking of going back to Weight Watchers. On a whim though, I checked out Calorie King. I used to like using their site to check nutrition information for Australian foods, but last year they switched to an expensive paid-subscription model. I was pleased to see today that they’ve scrapped this and gone back to FREE. If you’re Australian and you want to try out an online food/exercise tracker, I suggest you check it out.


Yahoo! Mr. Snook starts his new job today. Best of luck, Snookums! (He’s the Best Husband in the World. He stood in line for two hours yesterday to get me an iPhone 4 to cheer me up.)

Worn out.

Rest assured, I’m still working on getting photos up from our trip. But the double whammy of jet lag and then the sudden onset of a cold have left me wiped out. I’m tired of feeling so sleepy and worn out all the time. I just want sunshine and energy!