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Ravelers: I’m giving away some Halloween stuff, suitable for a kids party!

@imdominating Hahahahahahahahahhha…

My Halloween costume for work. Yeah, nobody here got the Heisman reference.

@hudsonmeats Looks great! Wish the events weren’t sold out. 🙂

@mpesce You got name-checked in a MetaFilter thread today!

@drkknits Wait, what? I shared that!

@web_goddess Nevermind. Just saw that @mrs_sockvictim did too. Heh.

@drkknits It didn’t pop up on mine, so I thought you were confusing us. Because we look so much alike, obvs. 🙂

I was going to go to work early so I could leave this arvo and watch the race. Then I remembered horse racing is boring and sleep is good.

Fauxvember = AWESOME. Looks like the Snook *will* be participating this year after all! Bring on the ‘tache!

@knitterjp @wen1965 Boss said we could leave at 2:30 if we came in at 8 and worked through lunch. Not a huge perk, but better than nothing!

@knitterjp @wen1965 But I am a slacker, so I didn’t bother.

@mrs_sockvictim @retromummy Yes I do! I got mine at David Jones Food Hall. It’s expensive though. will have it too.

@mrs_sockvictim @retromummy You can make your own, but you need to drain the purée overnight to get a lot of the water out. I’ve done it.

@gilmae New interface?? Haven’t logged in yet today. Did they screw our sharing, as feared?

The new Google Reader SUCKS. I want to read my friends’ shared items in Reader, not in Google+.

@Diepdin If you refresh it, you’ll see. It sucks. 🙁

Ugh. People *like* the new Google Reader? They must not have ever used the sharing.

@quietdiscourse I used it to share things on a daily basis with a small group of people. Also publish feed to my blog. All gone now.

@theadrianflores I think they’re gone. I can’t figure it out. How do I share? Do I +1 something? THIS IS SO STUPID.

RT @Alegrya: Dear lazyweb, as GReader has decided to suck and I don’t want to linkspam my G+ friends, what other rss reader & sharing si …

Feedly looks good, but I don’t want to share to other SN sites. I want to share WITHIN my reader.

@retromummy @mrs_sockvictim Yep. With the American foods. Big can of Libby’s (enough to do two pies) is around $10.

@gilmae Fine for me, but there are plenty of Reader sharers without blogs (like the Snook).

@gilmae You are talking about a person that took 5 years before he’d even comment on my blog.

@gilmae It’s not luddite. It’s laziness. And then it becomes a THING, because he wants to be the last person not on Twitter. Or something.

@googlereader I hate, HATE that you took sharing away. Completely destroyed utility for me. Looking for an alternative service now.

@gilmae Also, I shared a lot of items. I don’t want them all cluttering up the blog. I liked having a single catch-all post per day.

@gilmae That’s what I’m doing. I have a plan.

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Huh. We slept in late.

Leftover mini shoo-fly pies make a great morning-after breakfast.

Wow. Other than a couple sinkfuls of dishes, the house is back to normal! Smoothest party cleanup ever.

Okay, who took photos at the party last night? Because I only got a few. Please – hit me with links! Especially of the food…

RT @knittydotcom: I read the whole thing and then wept. “It’s full of stars”, almost. RT @longreads: “A Sister’s Eulogy for Steve Jobs.” …

@eileenDCoE YUMMMMM.

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@zephyrama Heh. That’s not a real pumpkin. It’s a “Funkin” my Mom sent me years ago. Didn’t buy a real one this year.

Guess who’s baking her first ever pav! #halloween

@zephyrama No way my newspaper-stuffed scarecrow would support a real one. 🙂

@eileenDCoE @witty_knitter It’s actually going to be a “Pumpkin Pie Pavlova,” which Rodd finds scary and wrong. I AM LOVING IT.

Lunch break! Party To Do list gone from 22 to 16 so far… (@ Toby’s Estate Broadway)

@sthcrft @witty_knitter @eileendcoe We made that too. For having with beer. Pumpkin Pie Beer Floats. 🙂

Why make normal devilled eggs when you can make ALIEN devilled eggs! #halloween

@Kat13v Mine spread too much too. I’m calling them Dragons’ Toes instead.

Happy Halloween from Wonder Woman and the Greatest American Hero!

@imdominating But of course!

1:30am. Last guests are gone, first pass of cleanup done. Fun night! Thanks to everybody who came. Now to collapse for 364 more days…

New Legion of Justice: The Greatest American Hero, Wonder Woman, and Hit Girl.

RT @AusVintageGrrl: New Post: Red Riding Hood, Indiana Jones, Greatest American Hero and Minifigs. Great party! Thanks

@randomknits @knitabulous Ah, you should’ve said! Totally could’ve gotten out Rock Band. Didn’t think of it cos I haven’t played it in ages.

@Kat13v Awesome costume!!

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@Opheli8 Oh noes! Snookums has one too. Maybe somebody at Xanthi was a SPREADER.

@discoknitter That would be awesome! Thank you.

@Kat13v @ausvintagegrrl @witty_knitter Just tried on my whole kit. It’s skimpier than I usually go for! Damn lesbians will be after me. 🙂

@knitabulous Oh, Rodd nearly had a heart attack. My fierceness is gonna be universal, baby.

RT @jackiebackwards: God DAMN I love the Internet. Ryan Gosling vs Puppy:

My American-Australian scarecrow jack-o-lantern. It’s all coming together!