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Hey @pozible, I am trying to fund @crumpet’s project but the site is not letting me login with Facebook (which I used previously). Problem?

@crumpet If it will freakin’ let me in!

@gusseting I’d have to use another email address. It keeps telling me to use Facebook with mine since that’s what I used before.

@crumpet @pozible I got in via a different browser, so it may have been some problem specific to Chrome on my system right now.

I totally just found my prize winning entry for the Easter Show this year:

I’ve got two words for you @drkknits: Bunting. Skirt.

Frocktober #4. Day of the Dead.

I find it easier to do chores when I’m home alone. I guess it’s because I know that if I don’t do them, they won’t get done.

Who’s still awake? Anybody? Just me then?

And that’s officially my first 14-hour day on the timesheet. Time for sleep.

The Single Life

So, it’s been an interesting week, so say the least. As many of you know, Mr. Snook took off last weekend for a three week work trip to the Google headquarters in Mountain View. This will be the longest we’ve been apart since I had had a similar trip four years ago. As with the last time, I was looking forward to it a little bit. It’s a change of pace, and we get to prove we’re not – as Max taught me four years ago – “sublunary”. So the Snook left on Sunday, and my friend Kylie stayed a couple nights on that first long weekend to keep me company. And I’ve been on my own ever since.

In practical matters it’s been fine. I had built up a large cache of frozen leftovers so I don’t feel the pressure to cook every night. I’ve been good about making a hot breakfast every morning (and my own coffee, now that Snookums taught me how to use the espresso machine). I’ve been scooping the litterbox and keeping the cats fed. The house is still relatively tidy. I’m handling it.

The difficult part has been that this is one of the most stressful weeks I’ve had at work in a long time. I’ve got one big project coming to an end and several more ramping up to start. I’ve been doing 10-12 hours days (combination of time in office plus time on the computer late at night) and it’s wearing me down. My stomach has been bothering me again and I’ve been guzzling Gaviscon. Luckily the cold I was pretty sure I’d caught last weekend never fully eventuated (I might have killed it with alcohol the night before Snookums left), or else I’d really be in bad shape. I haven’t had any bad insomnia, but the sleep I’m getting isn’t super restful either. So yeah, a challenging week to be without the one person who always takes care of me when I get like this. I’m really looking forward to the weekend…

And since I know you’re interested, Mr. Snook seems to be having a great time in Mountain View. He’s staying in a decent hotel and catching a bus to the Google campus every day. He seems to have good Internet access both at work and the hotel, so I’ve been able to chat with him for a while each day. This week is all orientation, and next week his conference starts. I’m really proud of him and I hope it all goes well!

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@drkknits I was waiting to hear your reaction. The next eps only get MORE TENSE. 🙂

Ooh, Easter Show Schedule is out! Let’s see if the knitting categories changed.

@drkknits Did you get to “Bitch took my ride” yet? I love Starbuck.

@drkknits Also, Anders. Beautiful Samuel T. Anders is coming your way.


@drkknits Hahaha, yeah, she’s really bad in those first few eps of season 2.

@drkknits I really, really want you to wait to watch the start of season 3 with me, by the way. They’re my favourites.

@drkknits @mrs_sockvictim It’s definitely frack. 🙂

It’s the kind of night where I’m missing @the_snook quite badly. Still at work, lots to do, really stressed out. He always talks me down.

@drkknits Look what just got posted:

Wanted to go to Stitch and Bitch. Still at work. #fml

@goldfishgeorge Nobody knows! The Guild have made “suggestions” to them in recent years, and some of them have been adopted.

Home. Wine. Kitty cat cuddles and a little cry. Back to work.

Yummy frozen dinner prepared by Past Kristy has cheered me right up. Thanks, Past Kristy!

@lemon_lime Not sure yet. Client training session from 2-5 is occupying all thoughts.

@indefensible And here I thought I was the only one who liked that movie.

RT @traceyh: October is Rett Syndrome Awarenesss Month… please watch & RT our video about Rett Syndrome & Jovie …

RT @GGDSydney: It’s official, 18th Oct will be very first ALL GAMING themed GGD event 😀 #ggdsydney sign up: // I’m in!

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@RoseRed_Shoes It does not. And thanks to you, when I put it on this morning I thought, “DAMN. WOULD BE BETTER WITH POCKETS.”

@imdominating It’s from Target! And it had a torn seam, so I even haggled a discount and then fixed it MAH-SELF. #pioneerwoman

@redambition Tweetbot still supports posterous. I like Tweetbot.

@drkknits Interesting. Downside of buying material intended for making drapes, I guess. I’d turn it.

Lincraft has 40% off dress fabrics this week? Okay. I guess I’m swinging by after work.

@drkknits Are you doing overcasting? Or is that straight stitch plus zigzag?

@drkknits Usually you’d have some space of seam allowance. I sew my straight seems 3/8 or 5/8″ inch in. Then zigzag right on the edge.

RT @richbuggy: Hey @barryofarrell, we voted for you *not* Greiner. More roads only encourage more cars. Spend the money on public transport.

@drkknits Good grief, you’re cranking them out already!

@drkknits Looks great! So elastic waist, but not as full as the previous one?

I hit the Lincraft sale. It appears I will be sewing some red dresses.

@drkknits SO SAY WE ALL!

@RoseRed_Shoes I even have an actual pattern in mind for each of them! And I bought tailor’s chalk! I FEEL TOTES PROFESH.

@zephyrama Ooh, synchronicity! One of my red fabrics will be a Hazel. I think @randomknits bought the pattern…

Ugh. Gods, Callie sucks. #bsg

RT @nolim1t: That’s A First: NASA’s Curiosity Rover Successfully Checks Into Foursquare From Mars via @techcrunch

Frocktober #3. Kinda preppy. I made my skirt!