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@drkknits @mrs_sockvictim @RoseRed_Shoes @randomknits Maybe after the AGM then? (Ha! I totally forgot about it til you said.)

@knitdra @drkknits I will include you on the email I’m gonna send out. πŸ™‚

Discovered in Facebook I can set “friends” to not show in my Newsfeed. In related news, I can keep using Facebook.

@randomknits That’s good, actually! Caffeine makes painkillers more effective. I always drink coffee w/ Tylenol.

RT @GGDSydney: Suncorp Sponsored Dinner 23rd May!- // Booked in! Sounds like a great night.

@drkknits I saw a comment somewhere today: “Shouldn’t the bath come *before* the cunnilingus?!” BWAHAHAHA.

Nothing like staying up late to get Knitters Guild stuff done so you can go meet Thorin Oakenshield tomorrow night!

@brockleyboyo Specific people. I have a lot of randoms on there – high school, runners, etc – some of whom post lots of rubbish.

@pixel8ted AKA Richard Armitage himself:

@brockleyboyo Haha, I’m the cat photo person. I’m talking more about pro gun, anti-Obama crap, photos of kids I don’t know, Facebook scams..

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@drkknits What’s happened??

Based on how today is going, a Legion of Evil is clearly hitting me with a Time Speed-Up Ray and Curse of Mystified Frustration.

RT @Pod_Legal: WOW! RTβ€œ@ThatsEarth: Chicago from Sears tower”

I literally stopped dead in the street and went: “WHUT.” Oh hell yes!

@drkknits I, on the other hand, an currently looking for one divine hammer. I’d bang it all day.

@Fiestywenchyone *does the math* Oh wow. Yep, 20. Damn. I’m old!

In theory: cooking Smitten Kitchen’s Roast Chicken with Grapes, Olives, and Rosemary. In reality: eating handfuls of grapes.

@knitdra @pinkcatknits I’m going to organise tickets. Let me know if you’re in. πŸ™‚

As spotted on FB: Game of Thrones? Game of MANBUTT, more like it! Hee. #notaspoiler

RT @maninultimo: How the Sydney Uni #GoT theme was played on the bell tower

Just got my first paycheck at new job. Suddenly feeling much cheerier about my prospects there. πŸ™‚

Thinking about a sewing/quilting day this weekend. Anybody interested? @drkknits @mrs_sockvictim @RoseRed_Shoes @randomknits

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Pancakes and cartoons! They started with Adventure Time, of course. Rodd (@ The Vanguard) [pic]:

@drkknits He’s fine. They can’t see anything wrong with him. “Stress-induced cystitis.” $215. The little shit.

@drkknits We asked about Prozac. That’s “the last resort.”

@witty_knitter Can you send me details of where you get it and how you use it?

The Snook worked out our new media PC will run WoW. He’s fishing.

Now we’re arguing about whether pandas can swim.

@Helen__H Nice! I haven’t baked for my new work team yet. Introducing my eccentricities one at a time so I don’t scare them off… πŸ™‚

Game of Thrones theme played on Sydney Uni bell tower: (cc @drkknits @kunaal84)

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Rode my bike to Guild Exec meeting. Kept thinking I was forgetting something. Realised halfway there – MY HELMET! #unintentional #scofflaw

RT @imdominating: Dear @web_goddess You are not alone.

Making nomnompaleo’s Kalua Pork. Now at 15hrs in slow cooker!

@drkknits @randomknits @RoseRed_Shoes Make that 3 votes!

@drkknits It’s a pork shoulder we got at Meat Emporium in Alexandria last week. I put it in at 11pm last night! πŸ™‚

@drkknits It was boneless, rolled up in a net (which I removed). I just used normal sea salt.

HELL YEAH. Finished Kalua Pork. I shredded it with a SPOON.

@witty_knitter Yep, no ticket and no brain squish.

Regina Spektor guest-programmed Rage, and for once I remembered to record it. So good! She picked random stuff. πŸ™‚

@blakkat Totally agree!

@NessNomster She’s still on all night tonight! Starts at 11:30pm.

@aimee_maree @adfit11 She’s done tonight as well. Starting at 11:30pm!

@NessNomster On the morning show she had Cyndi Lauper, Radiohead, Abba, Traveling Wilburys, Whitney Houston, etc.

We think Petey has a UTI. πŸ™ (@ Glebe Vet)