@drkknits @mrs_sockvictim @RoseRed_Shoes @randomknits Maybe after the AGM then? (Ha! I totally forgot about it til you said.)
@knitdra @drkknits I will include you on the email I’m gonna send out. π
Discovered in Facebook I can set “friends” to not show in my Newsfeed. In related news, I can keep using Facebook.
@randomknits That’s good, actually! Caffeine makes painkillers more effective. http://t.co/ITx9RLDjXx I always drink coffee w/ Tylenol.
RT @GGDSydney: Suncorp Sponsored Dinner 23rd May!- http://t.co/uIvX1CBA8u // Booked in! Sounds like a great night.
@drkknits I saw a comment somewhere today: “Shouldn’t the bath come *before* the cunnilingus?!” BWAHAHAHA.
Nothing like staying up late to get Knitters Guild stuff done so you can go meet Thorin Oakenshield tomorrow night!
@brockleyboyo Specific people. I have a lot of randoms on there – high school, runners, etc – some of whom post lots of rubbish.
@pixel8ted AKA Richard Armitage himself: http://t.co/vpwrP7gdWu
@brockleyboyo Haha, I’m the cat photo person. I’m talking more about pro gun, anti-Obama crap, photos of kids I don’t know, Facebook scams..