Month: September 2015 (page 4 of 7)

The genius of Super Mario Bros.

auntie pixelante › level design lesson: to the right, hold on tight – A detailed analysis of the opening level of Super Mario Brothers. Wow. I never thought about clever it was. So much thought went into it!

The ethics of modern web ad-blocking

The ethics of modern web ad-blocking – – In other news, I just installed Ghostery. I think of it as psychic penance for working (in the past) on websites with a truly evil set of tracking/advertising scripts.

A brief history of yarn in video games

A brief history of yarn in video games – Offworld – The sight of that Nintendo Knitting Machine ad made me hyperventilate until I got to the admission that it was never manufactured. DAMN.

Unravel looks pretty cool though!

New bling for both me and the MacBook.

via Instagram

We got our nails did.

via Instagram

Recently Favorited Tweets

  • The ☀️ is shining and Abbott is gone. Today is a magnificent day ❤️ ->

Whatever, ROBOT.

Eric Schmidt: Apple Music’s human curation is ‘elitist’ – Oh, PLEASE. I signed up to the three month Apple Music trial, and I’ve been really surprised how good it is. I mainly stick to the “For You” tab and the playlists it suggests to me, and I’ve discovered a lot more new-to-me music than I ever did on Spotify (or my very limited use of Google Play). I love the fact that the lists are curated by humans. How in the world would an algorithm ever put together That’s so Fetch: Songs for Mean Girls? That title alone is worth a month’s subscription, frankly.

Lark Sew-Along

Lark Sew-Along: Working with Knits | grainline – Just realised I’ve got the perfect bit of jersey in my stash for this, so I bought the pattern! Time to actually make something with the overlocker.

The Road Not Taken

Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken” Is Our Most Misread Poem – Starting the day with Mario and then poetry, because I’m deep like that.

30 years, 30 memorable facts about Super Mario Bros.

30 years, 30 memorable facts about Super Mario Bros. | Ars Technica – Man, I loved that game. I could beat it without losing a single life.