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@DrBron @JennaPrice Well done. I told mine that as a conf organiser myself I know how much this sucks. But I just couldn’t do it.

RT @CallbackWomen: Thread ⬇️. Sending someone to a conf—to or from the US—will force ppl to reveal personal details to employer, e.g. relig…

Thanks @mcannonbrookes and @Atlassian. Well put.

RT @haroldrv1: Next #ngsydney by @Meligy looks awesome, be sure to RSVP quick, not only #angular but also #reactjs

RT @yow_conf: Perth, see @web_goddess Feb 7 to talk code & scarves. Thanks @Bankwest & @WITWA for supporting the event!…

Stand back – @sir_tilbrook is talking about Docker! #altnetsyd

I thought this was going to be more ranty! @sir_tilbrook is showing us how he uses Docker with Android build tools. #altnetsyd

I actually saw this a fortnight ago! I was so amused I took a photo. 😂

LOL. Final question for @sir_tilbrook: “So I didn’t quite catch… Why would you do this??” 😂 #altnetsyd

Thanks @sudhanshutheone! That was a lot of fun. ☺

RT @lizzielichfield: #StandUpToTrump

@randomknits She’s gotten so big!!

@jesslynnrose It’s more important as I’ve gotten older. I’ve worked in industries that made me uncomfortable – premium SMS, gaming, etc

@jesslynnrose Nowadays it’s nice to have the privilege to only work for companies who share my values. But not everyone has that luxury.

This was absolutely charming and made me grin like a fool. Just what I needed. 😆

Our first @lootwear shipment arrived! Thanks @chowardgdstudio. ☺

Yeahhhh… I’m gonna need to go ahead… and retweet that. 😜

RT @yow_conf: #yow16 @stuartsierra sits with @web_goddess to chat about what it’s like sharing a new technology & emerging themes https://t…

The Myth of ‘Dressing Your Age’ Yep. You’ll have to pry my Converse from my cold dead hands.

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Spotify’s Discover Weekly has suggested a bluegrass cover of Modest Mouse to me. Sometimes living in the future is pretty all right.

@saberkite My YOW colleague Missy (Filipino) primarily uses Slack to send me photos of Jollibee. Some things never change. 🤣

@JennaPrice This morning I turned down an invitation to speak at a tech conference in the US in May. 🙁

Perth folks: any recommendations for somewhere in the CBD to take like a dozen people for brekkie?

@stringy @fendersperth Oh perfect, thank you!

@imdominating *fans self* Thank you.

@mpesce Soaked two loads of laundry on the washing line. My weather app totally failed me. 🙁

@mibus Honestly, none of that really. As a white US citizen I have a ton of privilege there. It was more of a symbolic act. I don’t want to

@mibus take advantage of a system that’s currently keeping equally qualified people out. My meager boycott is the only action I got.

@mibus Also the thing where I’ve heard even citizens are being asked to unlock phones and show social media accounts. Eff that.

RT @amandaseales: You didn’t even know you needed this.

@mibus I still have a holiday booked in for August. I’m hoping the situation is better by then.

@evanderkoogh Congrats! Did you say you were in Sydney this week??

@evanderkoogh Ah. Damn. I’ll be away. No beers for you.

@evanderkoogh BTW – any recommendations for a coffee shop in Melbourne where I could meet like a dozen folks for brekkie one day?

@evanderkoogh Yep – from this Sunday to Thursday.

Huh. When I don’t start my day with three hours of reading how EVERYTHING IS AWFUL, I’m actually a productive human being.

RT @StringStory: I be in Sydney on the 5 Feb to chat about the future of growth hacking. Come along and kick back with us @DanSiepen


RT @yow_conf: Sydney, @odersky joins us with @ScalaSyd Feb 7 to present recent developments & what that means for Scala…

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@annie_parker They do indeed. I set up a recurring one this morning.

Any recommendations for a good electrician in the Inner West?

@stephenlead Thanks!

@liamvhogan I use The Old Reader. It’s deliberately meant to be like Reader!

RT @DanSpehler: Notre Dame pres on exec order: “It demeans our nation, whose true greatness has been its guiding ideals of fairness” https:…

I’m pulling out of @pycon. I apologise to the organisers, but right now I want to stay the hell out of the US.

@twelveeyes I really debated. The situation could be better by then. Or it could be a lot worse. Decided not to risk it. 🙁

@johnallsopp @tjbyte GoCatch also has an Uber-type option now within their app called “Rideshare”.

@johnallsopp @tjbyte Frankly I suspect it’s the exact same drivers as Uber; they all seem to be on multiple systems.

@twelveeyes I hadn’t registered or bought plane tickets yet. That would’ve changed things.

@tjbyte @johnallsopp Oh totally. I’ve deleted the @Uber app too. Just highlighting that in the end it’s all the same drivers.

@betsybookworm @twelveeyes Yeah. We’re booked in for a trip to Yellowstone with my parents in August. That I’m still going to.

@betsybookworm @twelveeyes Mostly because I figure with cuts to the NPS, Yellowstone may not be around the next time I’m able to go. 🙁

@Sia @ACLU Small but recurring one from me! #resist

@liamvhogan Excellent. I believe @200ok uses it too. I even paid for premium as I appreciate their efforts.

@liamvhogan @200ok The one drawback is the social aspect isn’t there due to so few users.

@liamvhogan @200ok But this is me if you want to follow me and get it going again. 🙂

RT @EFF: If US border agents asked you to provide social media information or access to your digital devices or cloud content, contact info…

RT @techsydneyau: We stand with all those affected by the #MuslimBan. Read our joint media release w/ @mcannonbrookes & @hiconomics https:/…

Congratulations – again! Couldn’t have gone to a more deserving recipient. Thanks @coderfactory 😀

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Most brutal massage ever. BLISS. ☺ (@ Massage Link Health Centre in Broadway, NSW)

RT @ClaraJeffery: One thing you can do is chose the ride sharing app whose CEO is *not* part of the Vichy

Woke up, read news, feel sick. Debating on turning down conference in the US in May.

@mibus I always end up donating to Planned Parenthood or the ACLU. Makes me feel slightly better.

RT @Ibrahim_M_: RT if you’ve ever met a Syrian, Iranian, Somali, Turkish, Iraqi, Sudanese or Yemeni person & they weren’t detrimental to yo…

@sacca @ACLU

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@philiplaureano @markc @fabienruffin @cloudyopspoet Ooh, would love to see them present a DevOps topic! Always in demand. 🙂

@saberkite You just reminded me I need to get tickets for Chicago when I visit later this year. 🙂

@stephenlead You just gave me a headache.

I’m giving a talk in Perth on Feb 7! Would love to see all you west coasters there. 🙂 via @Eventbrite

@WearyMonkey EXACTLY. 😱 Problem was I was getting UTC and needed to spit out calendar feed in local timezone. I got there in the end!

@kouky You might as well make a shortcut for that. I suspect you’ll be appending it to a lot of tweets for the next 4 years. 🙁

@mibus So you want me to do my lightning talk tonight or what? 🤣

@mibus Ahhh, Rodd said you were “facilitating”. I took that to mean something much more important. 🤣 See you soon!

@aussielunix Ooooooouch. 🙁

@WearyMonkey I was at the office Monday for the launch. Didn’t see you! Too early in the morning?

@evanderkoogh Thanks Erwin! I owe you several 🍻

Score one for the crocheters! 😉

Intro to Linux happening at tonight’s #SLUG. Feels like I’ve gone back in time fifteen years!

@stibbons They’re doing an LCA recap. 🙂

@voltagex @stibbons Trying not to giggle that the speaker’s laptop battery is dying so they’re moving him to a Mac… 😂

@martinkrafft I have a cron job that posts a list of recently “hearted” tweets to my blog. So for me, it’s simply a tag for that.

@parisba If you see Bruce Campbell… I don’t even know how to finish that sentence. But it would be awesome.

@martinkrafft I preferred it when it wasn’t a heart. The heart implies a value judgement, when really I’m just bookmarking.

@voltagex @martinkrafft If you use WordPress, I can share with you. 😜 (Prev version was hand-rolled; might have that somewhere too.)

@voltagex @martinkrafft Both versions are PHP, I should mention. 🙃

@mattgemmell Ha! I knew it looked familiar. Couldn’t put my finger on why it reminded me of outer space. 😂

@voltagex I’ll put it up on GitHub this weekend and ping you. 🙂

So thrilled! Way to go @hannahcancode, and thanks @coderfactory for supporting more women getting into tech!

@steve_evil @stibbons I have the utmost respect for meetup organisers… but two hours of command line basics is KILLING ME.

RT @Meligy: Call for speakers now open for ng-sydney Feb 8
Pls RT / share with everyone to help us get great speake…

RT @tjcramer: OH: The “S” in IOT stands for security. Best… quote…. ever…

@RogueNASA I think we’re inadvertently DDoSing the site. Can’t get it to load!

RT @janesports: Obama wrote this letter to my daughter’s friend when they were in 4th grade. It’s about a US interstate system of waterslid…

@voltagex @martinkrafft Just emailed to the both of you. The plugin itself is no longer maintained, so I didn’t bother to put on github.

GAHHH. Can’t believe I already missed out on the Norah Gaughan classes at @KnitGuildNSW Camp. They went so fast! 😒

@KnitGuildNSW I should’ve known. Oh well. Time to finally learn Tunisian crochet!

@randomknits @KnitGuildNSW When I registered online just now and chose my workshops, those have SOLD OUT next to them.

@unixbigot @AshKyd My husband literally has that exact thing in his office, complete with matching dragon candelabra.

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@Malarkey All the better. It’s your turn!

RT @HarbourFrontHK: 📆 Save the date. On 28 February we have @web_goddess speaking about coding & knitting. How cool is that?…

RT @kelseyhightower: Sharing my thoughts on tech conferences as an attendee, speaker, and conference chair.

RT @codepo8: #resist

Finally figured out why my Meetup script was all messed up for Perth. Frickin’ time zone math, man. Fix is coming!

Captcha: 0

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Thanks @markc for showing me around the new @Domaincomau offices today. Stunning!

@gilmae It was a building to store wool in Pyrmont. Not an actual shop. 😂 Should’ve clarified!

@gilmae Well, it was that too!

This was already one of my favourite possessions. ☺ Thanks @mcgregor_ewan.

@cameron_rogers Meetings. That’s where I’m a Viking!

@_zouhir Come on – spill!!

One step closer to my talk show!! 🤣

@philiplaureano Hey Phil! No prob – they’re linked on the individual West and LJ pages:

@philiplaureano Crap I’m so sorry; it was definitely there. Let me find out why link has gone missing. 🙁

@philiplaureano Ahhh, it’s actually at the bottom of the submission guidelines. That’s kind of buried. 🙁

TIL something new about Star Wars. Huh.

@philiplaureano Brilliant. Now please keep poking @markc until he submits one. 😂

@damncabbage If you wanna do the former, you can submit for YOW West right now. Would love to have you there! 🙂

@glenngillen Would love to! Unfortunately I’m going to be overseas then. I’ll get to one sometime. 🙂

RT @SouthernHomo: We all know who’s behind the national parks tweets

RT @yow_conf: Did you catch @thepaulrayner’s Eventstorming talk at #yow16? @web_goddess chats with him abt returning to Oz…

@damncabbage @thsutton @jedws I’ll try to catch someone’s eye!

#FPSyd kicking off with @HuwASP talking about neural networks in Haskell. @ambiata

Heh. @HuwASP trained a neural network on Shakespeare. #FPSyd

Other UG organisers: #FPSyd does something brilliant – get speakers to commit in person to giving a talk later in the year!

Next at #FPSyd – Ben Lippmeier talking about closure conversion and garbage collection in DDC.

“This language is called Salt… because it’s what you get when you leave C [sea] out in the sun for too long.” 😂 #FPSyd

Everyone is delighted to learn about “broken heart pointers”. 💔 #FPSyd

#FPSyd now gets my vote as the most in-depth tech talks I’ve seen at a meetup group. I didn’t follow much, but I learned some stuff.

@MelissaKaulfuss @juniordev_io @_iankhor_ Same. Mine was full of arcane git commands. 😂

@natashamitchell I enjoyed it. I found it uplifting, but I didn’t have super high expectations. The Oscar noms may hurt it there.

RT @RogueNASA: How sad is it that government employees have to create rogue Twitter accounts just to communicate FACTS to the American publ…

What @sallyannw said! So thrilled to have helped out these women in even a tiny way. 🙂 Thanks @nic_hazell @BlueChilliGroup @shestarts

I’m the newest Guardian member #guardianmembers // Realisation: First time I’ve ever subscribed to a newspaper. 😳

RT @msharp: Time to sign up for @SydCSS next week!

@Malarkey Just realised I must’ve missed something – you guys are moving here?! Really truly??

@Malarkey Wow, congrats! Thrilled for you both and can’t wait to take you for dinner when you get settled. 😀