- amdev83: Be nice to junior developers. One day they will be debugging your code and you should hope they will return the kindness. 🙂
Month: August 2017
Recently Favorited Tweets
- sweetpavement: It's Mary Shelley's birthday? To celebrate, invent a new genre of fiction at a house party to avoid the attentions of a dude who's trash.
- mrb_bk: Damn this programmer interview whiteboard question has me shook https://t.co/YkmnLQnLA4
- pourmecoffee: Little bit of genius. "There are Roads in Australia that are So Boring they Have Trivia Signs to Keep Drivers Alert… https://t.co/Azg4MgkfH9
- paulangov: @web_goddess @MichelePlayfair @LJKenward @RhianaHeath @hima_tk @harrietgl @MelissaKaulfuss @linapinot Sending the l… https://t.co/kdsPmfqhlv (in reply to web_goddess)
- unixbigot: Wanted: Intern to follow me around picking up superfluous Javascript semicolons.
- the_nathanjones: @dan_mcmahon @web_goddess @PamRucinque He speaks the truth Kris. (in reply to dan_mcmahon)
Recently Favorited Tweets
- unixbigot: @web_goddess I like to think that “ding” sound of last-minute inspiration is the subcounsciousness’ oven timer (in reply to web_goddess)
- ericscheid: @gilmae @ADuckIsMyFiend @web_goddess Clearing my schedule for 18–19 Sept 🙂 (in reply to gilmae)
Beef stew by me; soda bread by the Snook. Yum.
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Recently Favorited Tweets
- Julie_Jamison: Am catching up with the whole Joss Whedon controversy a week late and can't even process… https://t.co/vH6XXMIlYD
- CloverMoore: We're rolling out rainbow banners in support of #marriageequality https://t.co/urvDB7tmGG (in reply to CloverMoore)
- porras: As a user
I want to get ads
So that I get annoyed and close the computer and go doing something fun outside like destroying capitalism - bodil: Sometimes I think I could go work for Palantir and still be able to face myself in the mirror because at least I'm… https://t.co/b1dOfgsh3F
We were missed. 😻
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Recently Favorited Tweets
- FriendlyTester: My secret project was three free programming courses,framed for testers.Programming Basics,Java Basics & #WebDriver
Almost time to leave America… almost.
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In Deadwood, they gave a fun game called #wildbillme. For 25 selfies, I won a fridge magnet, sticker, and pin! 😂
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Recently Favorited Tweets
- phillfarrugia: OK – I'm kicking off a meetup here called Product of SFO 🚀 It extends a lovely community I was apart of in SYD https://t.co/o3sbu2goYv
- _Ninji: I am a:
� man
� woman
� otherlooking for:
� men
� women
� functional Unicode support - DanielleMuscato: hey @NPG, for your consideration: @realDonaldTrump's presidential portrait? https://t.co/iCWZjZrT3J
- SciBry: “Working longer hours leads to poorer productivity.” https://t.co/DPNy43T4EJ https://t.co/OiTjUyx722