Month: June 2019 (page 1 of 5)

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Really love seeing this up in the @amazonwebservices office. Good advice for life, really! #bepeculiar

Inclusive meeting tips

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Somehow always end up at Maru…


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  • Nicole_Cliffe: I honestly did not see this coming and I am here for the knitting rebellion.
  • The_McJones: I kinda like how there are loads of “never heard of you” or “who cares” responses.

    Ravelry is huge in the knitting…

  • mootpointer: To all conference sponsors: You can’t buy swag; you either have it or you don’t.
  • adamliaw: Everybody thinks this GoFundMe thing is about the gays but actually they caved to the powerful Adulterers & Fornicators Lobby.
  • cassiecodes: Hey Dev twitter. Do you attend meet-ups or conferences?

    If so, listen up.

    I’m going to tell you a couple of stories…

  • KathyReid: Delighted that @ravelry has banned white supremacists. Knitters, you're my people ♥️

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Hey Brisbane! Anybody still in the CBD? I need to go in search of food.


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