Search results: "goddessblog" (page 2 of 2)

In case you didn’t notice on the previous post, I’ve implemented another minor change here at w-g: posts with extended text. This way I can post extra-long rants (or big fat images) without worrying about them cluttering up the main page. I’ve also rolled these changes into GoddessBlog. (If you’re already using GoddessBlog, I’ve got instructions for the changes you need to make to enable this.)

Not only does Jeff have a new blog… but he used GoddessBlog and got it running all by himself! (To my knowledge, he’s the first that hasn’t had to turn to me for help with my unclear instructions.) Kickass.

It is Christmas? Because I feel like Santa Claus! GoddessBlog is now ready for the general public. I’ve still got a few modules to write, but the basic stuff is all there. Have fun, kids!

Shocking! Moire pointed me to an article about some Melbourne shop selling handbags depicting the World Trade Center attacks. I’m not upset so much about their insensitivity, but rather their horrible ugliness. Honestly, who would carry such a thing? It looks like someone Bedazzled a briefcase.

(Incidentally, Moire‘s new and improved GoddessBlog-powered weblog is up and running! She’s changed her DNS information, so you should be able to see the new version sometime in the next day or two!)

Two occurrences of note today:

  1. Café Moda has finally opened! That’s the place directly below us. We went there for breakfast, and George the owner gave us free coffee as thanks for putting up with all the noise over the past two months.
  2. Snookums has a job! Granted, it’s sort of “trial” right now, but if he does well with this first project they’ve given him, it might be more permanent! And guess what he’ll be working on? Oh yeah – one of the Australian Spider-Man promotions! How cool is that??

And in other exciting news, my tester (Moire) and I are making real headway on GoddessBlog. It’s almost ready for the public!

Sorry to be so absent. I’m working on releasing GoddessBlog to the world. Still have lots to do…

My newest web project, Purple, has finally launched! It’s so fun to see people using this thing that I have created. I think it’s a pretty good “community” site overall. I had originally planned on using phpWebSite for it, but I found myself spending most of my time turning off parts of the thing that we didn’t need. It was too huge and unwieldy for our purposes. Then one day, while doing my workout at the gym, I had a total epiphany and decided to rewrite the entire thing myself. It turned out even better than I expected. Now I’m wondering if maybe other people would be interested in it. I could write some documentation and package it up… Of course, I haven’t even gotten around to posting GoddessBlog yet, so don’t hold your breath. 🙂