Return to the Old West

Along the Frontier Trail is the Olde Tyme Photo Shoppe. We couldn’t resist. Here’s Snookums the gambler with Kris the Saloon Hoochie. As Snookums later pointed out, I obviously have no idea what to do with a gun.

A second pose

A second pose with a little eye contact. (Seriously, could that dress have made my chest look any larger? I don’t think so. I look like Dolly Parton.)

In drag

Amy and Anthony were whispering and snickering the whole time our photos were being taken. They’d had the brilliant idea of getting one done themselves, but in drag. So there’s my sister the Outlaw with my brother the Prostitute. Lovely. (Again, Antny’s face makes me laugh.)

In drag part two

I think Amy the Outlaw has realized that her lady friend has, uh, very hairy legs…

Souvenir penny

Snookums and I started a new collection of flattened pennies. Here’s our first.

Aww, aren't we cute?

It’s me with my favorite boy in front of my favorite fountain in the park. Don’t we look cute?

Chili fries

There’s nothing like some chili fries before you ride one of the tallest, fastest stand-up roller coasters in the world.

Going home

Here’s the four of us at the end of the day. It’s a nice picture. Mad props to the random woman who took it for us!