Is Marriage a Perk for the Elite?

Since tomorrow is our wedding anniversary and I’m thinking about it…

Is marriage a perk for the elite? TIME magazine looks at some statistics that may surprise you. Jezebel distills it down with commentary. The bit that really floored me:

“In 1990 more high-school-educated couples than college graduates had made it to the altar by age 30. By 2007 it was the other way around.” And people who never went to college are less likely than graduates to marry at all รขโ‚ฌโ€ according to Luscombe’s numbers, just 48% of those with no college marry, while 64% of those with diplomas do….

The report goes on to speculate about why marriage might be becoming the privilege of the educated and well-off. Things like: money to outsource chores, more flexible working hours and arrangements, better conflict resolution skills… Interesting to think about. There’s also a Metafilter discussion.

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  1. Happy wedding anniversary Kris ๐Ÿ™‚

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