Mac Users: What’s on your Dock? I found this fascinating. What’s with all these people anchoring it to the side? I’m very much a default bottom center person. I also liked seeing all the funky little applications people use. So come on, let’s see your Dock. I’ll take a screenshot tonight and post it when I get home.
Here it is. Hmm, I didn’t realize mine was so boring til now. From left to right that’s: Finder, Safari, BBEdit, iTunes, iPhoto, X11, Terminal, iCal, Mail, Launchbar, iChat, and Grab (which I had open to take the screenshot). On the other side is my Applications folder and minimized iCal and Mail windows. I’d customise it more but there’s not a lot of need. The apps in the Dock are the ones that get heavy usage and I generally use Launchbar to open anything else. I’ve got the bounce and genie effects turned on but I never use the magnification. It kinda creeps me out, the way they bulge out like that.
On both my work and home computers, I park my Dock on the left side of the screen, with Hiding turned on. This seems to work the best for me.
I’m at work, so here’s the contents of my Office Dock, in order:
Finder, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat, QuarkXPress 6 (puke blech retch), Word, Excel, PowerPoint (shudder), Entourage, Explorer, Safari, Lotus Notes (hatehatehate), Yahoo! Messenger (the only one that’ll work around the firewall), Fetch, iTunes, Windows Media Player, RealOne Player (sucks), TextEdit, Preview, iPhoto, Calculator, Print Center, StuffitExpander, DropStuff, DropZip, Toast Lite, Extensis Suitcase, System Preferences, WeatherPop (luuuuurve this app), Christi’s Tree (just waiting for X-Mas!), BurnoutMenu (another one of those indispensible apps I just love), and, finally, the Trash.
I know, my Dock is crowded. But my screen is nice and big, so it’s not so bad. I’ll post a screenshot later today, or tomorrow morning. My iBook’s Dock is even worse than my Office Dock, amazingly — I need to do a little spring cleaning!
I like my Dock in the middle with hiding and magnification. I basically keep it empty except for apps that I know I am going have running always. So, Finder, iTunes, TextEdit, Terminal, Proteus (for IMing), Browser of the week. I keep a “Launcher” type folder on the other side which contains links to other apps I am likely to use every once in awhile (that’s where I keep stuff like Office and Calculator). I keep a link to the Applications folders in the launcher too and that lets me get at all the utterly useless stuff like And then the Trash.
I find the magnifaction thing incredibly scary. I’ve got DVD Studio Pro, Final Cut Pro, DivX, Quicktime, iTunes, Finder, iPhoto, Safari, iChatAV (which I never use), Word, Excel and Trash all down the bottom. I like to see it all the time too, so I have hiding turned off.
Ooh, Major! You should totally use iChatAV, because I want to try out the audio chat and I can’t ever find anybody online with the capability.
I’m a relatively new Mac user lured from the PC world by pretty icons so I have the whole magnification thing pumped up to the extreme 🙂 I have my dock on the left, too. For some reason it just seemed to be in the way down the bottom.
My Dock is on the left, and contains Finder, Mail, iTunes, Safari, NetNewsWire, Jedit, skEdit, Terminal, ViewIt, DVD Player, Huevos, MacSoup, Internet Connect and iSync. I also have two important applications running which don’t show up in the Dock: LaunchBar and iPulse.
Wait… how do you run Launchbar without it appearing in the Dock? Is there some magic setting I don’t know about?
It’s in the documentation – open the contents of the LaunchBar package and edit the NSUIElement entry in info.plist so that the value is 1 instead of the default of 0. You can find full instructions (and a couple of caveats) here. So far it’s worked like a dream for me.
Sorry, the correct URL is here. (Damned frames!)
Ah, sweet, thanks!
“I’m very much a default bottom center person.” 😉
I’m glad your bottom is default and center!! Hate it to be any other way…go see the doctor if it is!