RunningBlog: Week 17

Still NOT SICK. Yeah, I feel crummy occasionally and there’s more than the average amount of mucus, but I’m NOT SICK. My powers of denial are strong. While I was at knitting camp last weekend, Fiona and I went out for a run that instead became more of a hike. We followed a steep and narrow trail up to Robertson’s Lookout at Mount Keira, stopping every ten minutes to pick the leeches off our shoes. (Yes, really.) The view was fantastic though. We ran the rest of the way back down the mountain to camp. On Sunday I got in my long run for the week, a 16km jog through Newtown, Enmore, Marrickville, Tempe, and Sydenham. (It’s really, really weird now that a ten-miler doesn’t feel like that big a deal!) I did 3:1 run/walk and still managed a 7:30/km pace, which is 45s faster than the 19km run I did a few weeks ago. Yay for cooler weather! Yesterday I did a nice easy morning run and then had a session at Spudds in the afternoon. I am BEAT.

April 25: 6.70km
April 26: 16.02km
April 28: 5.35km
Total this week: 28.07km (17.5mi)
Total in 2010: 357.99km (223.7mi)

To meet my goal of running 1000km in 2010, I should be at 327km right now. So I’m maintaining my nice cushion.

We’re only 2.5 weeks out from the Sydney Half Marathon! This week will be the longest run of my training: 22km. Yes, I’ll actually be going slightly farther than the actual race distance. I’m looking forward to it, actually! Then the following weekend will be the Mother’s Day Classic 8K. I’ll be in my taper period here, so I’m not going to push it too hard. I’d just like to run the whole thing comfortably so I can feel confident leading up to the big race.

One thought on “RunningBlog: Week 17”

  1. I’m NOT SICK too.. though a slightly runny nose has been showing up occasionally, I don’t usually get sick until the fortnight or week before a race. Except this time. It’s not going to happen this time.

    Good luck with the 22km!

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