Month: June 2001 (page 3 of 9)

I was going to update you all on last night’s Survivor episode but I just can’t. It was too awful. James is gone. Charlotte is the only member of Helang left. Ular are being so mean and petty and terrible that they’re even making me feel sorry for the whinging tart. All the good guys are gone. Only the bad guys are left. I hate Jackie. I hate Zoe. I hate Eve. I hate Richard. Only a victory by Mick or Pete would make this travesty marginally more easy to take, and I don’t rate either of their chances very high. It sucks. I’ll watch til Charlotte is gone next week, and then that I’ll quit. I don’t want to see one of those bastards win.

I just noticed a link to a My Yahoo! Survey while checking the news. I filled it out even though I’m ineligible for their stupid sweepstakes. From the angle of the questions, it looks like our old friend Yahoo! is finally starting to consider charging for their services. They wanted to know which publications I subscribe to offline and whether I’d be willing to pay for access to that content online. I said no. I do get most of my news from their service, but it’s not like that’s the only way I can possibly get information. If they shut down, I’ll go elsewhere.

“Oh, what a cute little… zorse? zetland?

You can now see the last 100 Google search terms people used to find this site. Man, there are some weirdos out there! (Hello to any of those weirdos reading this.)

A study claims that 19% of kids on the Internet get unwanted sexual solicitations. Can I be the first to say, “Duh?” I mean, how many adults get unwanted sexual solicitations on the Web? Probably like 75% (minus people like my Grandpa who don’t surf or frequent chat rooms). I mean, have you seen my Yahoo! Mail inbox recently? If it’s this bad for adults, of course a large proportion of kids are going to get them as well.

Congrats to Beau on finally moving into Bashert, his country dream house. I’ve enjoyed following the saga on his site. (Man, I’m all about the personal shout-outs today!)

Jann is back! Well, his site is back, but he’s off on holiday. He did link to an amusing story about the perils of shagging in front of your webcam, though. Nice.

Some great new Lord of the Rings pictures if you’re interested… (I can already tell I’m going to have a major Viggo Mortensen fixation in about six months.)

Hooray! Martina Hingis has suffered a stunning first round defeat at Wimbledon. I really dislike her.

Oh jeez. It’s going to be hell on the Tube tonight. Not only is every train packed full because of various strikes and breakdowns, but our sunny weather is going to raise the temperature down there to over 90. People are going to be dropping like flies. (Thank God I live within walking distance of work.)