Month: October 2010 (page 4 of 5)

Tea Towel Notebooks

Ooooh! Just found a tutorial for sewing notebook covers out of tea towels. My Mom actually gave me about a dozen old linen tea towels when we visited. Most of them have some sort of outdoor scene and a calendar (for a year long past). That might be a nice use for them!

A Place a Day

A Place a Day – lovely photoblog from a new Chippendale neighbour!


If change is as good as a holiday, then the Snook and I went on a round-the-world cruise on this 3-day weekend. We worked our butts off on the house, and we’ve got a lot to show you. Photos once it gets light again… 🙂

Public Enemy #1

Wow. Remember our trip to Dubbo five years ago that nearly derailed because there was a murderer on the loose? He’s still on the lam! He’s hiding out in a national park and despite all efforts, they just can’t find him. Such a creepy story!

Hogwarts Finally Gets the Internet

Hogwarts finally gets the Internet. HA! Nicely done. Can anybody read Russian? I want to know what Viktor wrote on Hermione’s wall…

Shared today on Google Reader

Shared today on Google Reader:

You can follow me on Reader here.

A Man’s Guide to Sweaters

A Man’s Guide to Sweaters. Excellent. I wish the Snook would wear turtlenecks, cardigans, and sweater vests. I’d have him looking like Steve McQueen in no time.

RunningBlog: Week 39

Week 39
A light week this week, as I got in two cross-training sessions (yoga and Spudds). I should’ve done another run today, but I just didn’t feel like it. I’ll make up the slack on this coming long weekend. 🙂

Sept. 26: 8.16km run
Sept. 28: 5.58km run
Total this week: 13.74km (8.5mi)
Total in 2010: 732.97km (458mi)

We’re 3/4 of the way through the year! To meet my goal of running 1000km in 2010, I should be at 750km right now. So I’m a little behind…

How to Use the Rind of Parmesan

How to Use the Rind of Parmesan. We have about a dozen of those in a baggie in our fridge.

Pumpkin Rice Pudding

Mmmmm. Pumpkin Rice Pudding. Sounds good.