Month: February 2011 (page 4 of 6)


Indiana lawmakers: I’m ashamed of you. And Ralph Foley of Martinsville is being deliberately obtuse. This Amendment means that people with skills and talents to offer Indiana will leave to live elsewhere where bigotry isn’t enshrined in the State Constitution. OH, LIKE ME.

Chocolate, 2010

Chocolate, 2010 by Martynka Wawrzyniak. That may well be one of the weirdest things I’ve ever seen on the Internet. Ten minutes of a woman getting chocolate poured on her face. Yes, seriously. At one point she has to blow chocolate out her nose to breathe.

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Oscar Contest

My 9th Annual Oscar Contest is now up to 120 entries. Don’t forget to put yours in before the big show! (There are clear favourites in just about every category, so I hope we have some upsets!)

On an Unknown Beach

Amanda Palmer has released a video for “On an Unknown Beach,” a lovely lonely song she covered by a New Zealand artist called Peter Jefferies. You should go watch it, then go buy her album Amanda Palmer Down Under if you haven’t already.

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Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals #4: Curry Rogan Josh

Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals #4: Curry Rogan Josh
This was our fourth official cooking/blogging experiment from Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals. The weather this weekend has been cooler, so we thought something warming was appropriate. We also had some pumpkin and carrots to use up from the veggie box, so one recipe leaped out at us: Curry Rogan Josh, Fluffy Rice, Carrot Salad, Poppadoms, Flatbread, and Beer. (I love that Beer is in the meal title!) No dessert with this one, but it made a huge feast’s worth of food.

Curry Rogan Josh

Quick verdict: The only substitution we made was using Kent pumpkin instead of butternut. Time-wise, we were worse than last week with an elapsed time of 48:02. There are definitely things we’d do to save time next time though. Overall I rated it 9/10, while the Snook rated it 8.5/10. (Personally, any recipe with two whole bunches of coriander/cilantro is A-OKAY by me!) However, we both agreed that the lemon pickle SUCKS. Read on for a photo essay of the preparation.Pre-start prep: We got out all the necessary ingredients, tools, and cooking vessels. This week we also needed the food processor and a kettle full of boiled water. The kitchen was clean (well, as clean as it gets) and everything wiped down and ready to go. The oven was turned on and a big saucepan put on the stove to heat.

First up are the ingredients for the curry: onions, squash/pumpkin, cauliflower, chilli, garlic, coriander, Patak’s rogan josh paste, chickpeas, baby spinach, and yogurt.

Curry ingredients

Ingredients for just about everything else! Basmati rice and cloves for the rice; almonds, carrots, chilli, coriander, ginger, and lemon for the carrot salad; chapattis and turmeric for the chapattis; and lemon, mustard seeds, turmeric, and chilli for the lemon pickle.

Other ingredients

Pans ready to go. The big one is for the curry. The saucepan is for the rice. The frying pan is for toasting the almonds and later cooking the lemon pickle. (Note: This was a BAD CHOICE for the pickle. More on that later.)


Our crappy food processor, ready to go.

Food processor

Time to start cooking! The Snook immediately got going on the curry. Here’s the onion starting to cook.


Chopping up the pumpkin. Jamie didn’t peel his since he used butternut, but we had a Kent so the Snook peeled it.


The pumpkin’s cooking now…

Onions and pumpkin

Meanwhile, I was working on the carrot salad. I know from experience that our food processor is CRAP at grating things, so I did them all by hand on a box grater. I just used the processor to whizz up the chilli, coriander, and ginger.

Salad flavourings

Here’s the whizzed up flavourings mixed up with the grated carrot.

Carrot Salad

The curry continues. He’s chucked in cauliflower, chilli, garlic, and coriander at this point.

More curry

And with some more additions: curry paste and chickpeas. We put the lid on and let it cook.


Now for the rice. The Snook was skeptical of cooking the rice on the stove and lobbied hard for us to use our rice cooker. I told him we had to stick to the recipe, but if we did it again, we’d use the cooker. (I don’t know why Jamie didn’t mandate using one; everybody’s got one, right?) Anyway, rice, water, and a couple cloves.


I got my almonds toasting for the carrot salad…

Toasting almonds

And the Snook got the chapattis going. He scrunched up some greaseproof paper and soaked it in water, then spread it out on a cookie sheet. The chapattis are each drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with turmeric.


He’s stacked them up and wrapped the paper around into a little parcel, which then goes into the oven.


To finish the carrot salad, I added olive oil, salt, lemon zest, and lemon juice.

Carrot salad

My almonds are toasted!

Toasted almonds

I finished the carrot salad with heaps of coriander and the toasted almonds. I have to say, I am not traditionally a fan of raw carrot, but I could tell already this was going to be a winner!

Carrot salad

It was time to start the lemon pickle. Here’s the Snook chopping up a whole lemon.


The frying pan received a glug of olive oil, then the spices for the pickle.

Pickle spices

And that’s when all hell broke loose! See all those little specks on the stove? Yeah, the mustard seeds started popping like popcorn and zinging all over the kitchen! I’d suggest using a saucepan in the future and maybe clamping a lid down for the first few seconds.

Mustard seeds!

Now he’s added the lemon and he’s giving it the required ten seconds of cooking.

Lemon pickle

The finished pickle in the bowl.

Lemon pickle

Checking the curry. It’s looking good!


The rice cooked for seven minutes and then steamed for seven more. To my surprise, it turned out great! Fluffy and perfect, with a tiny bit of flavour from the cloves.


The chapattis have come out of the oven, still in their paper package…


And the poppadoms are ready with their yogurt and olive oil dipping sauce.


The finished meal! The curry was garnished with yogurt and coriander leaves. We served it with an ice cold glass of the Snook’s homebrew, of course.

Finished meal

Tasting notes: The Snook thought the curry was “good, but not great.” He liked the carrot salad and the chapattis. The pickle earned a big thumbs down. “It had potential, but it was… not right.” I actually thought the curry was quite good, and I’m happy we had three generous portions left over for lunches. The carrot salad was excellent, and I can definitely see myself making that again for barbecues and picnics. I do agree with him on the pickle though. Much too bitter and strong. We ended up throwing most of it away. Maybe we needed a sweeter lemon? If we were going to do the meal again, I’d leave out the pickle, do the rice in the rice cooker, and possibly do the curry in the pressure cooker since that was the thing that took the longest. I also like that this meal was vegetarian, and you can easily adjust the spiciness level if needed. It’s a great one for a party feast!

Stay tuned next week for another recipe from Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals!

RunningBlog: Injury Update

Injury update: Regular readers will recall that about a year ago I started having some weird tightness and aches in the arch of my right foot. I took a few weeks off and had a bone scan – and was radioactive for a day, which was fun – that didn’t show any fractures or serious inflammation. The doctor (from a local sports med clinic) thought it was just overuse from three months of forefoot running. She advocated ice and stretching. Unfortunately that injury has plagued me off and on ever since, depending on the shoes I wear and the mileage I run. Taking time off hasn’t seemed to have helped at all. So today I finally went to a proper podiatrist to find out what the hell I should do about it.

After hearing the whole saga, he flexed my big toe and poked the tendon in my arch, and I just about jumped off the table. OUCH. He said that even if it didn’t show on the scan last year, I definitely have Plantar Fasciitis. (The most common form involves heel pain, which I’ve never had. But you can have PF without it, apparently.) I’ve also got some strained ligaments along the side of my arch as well. The interesting thing he said is that the injury is such that stopping running wouldn’t help it heal. Simply walking around is enough to keep it from properly healing. I steeled myself at this point, figuring he was going to put me in a cast or something for 3 months. But to my surprise, he said that altering my running schedule would be our LAST resort with treatment. First he wanted to try taking some of the pressure off my arch with tape to see if it made an immediate difference in my pain level. So he strapped me up. He said to go ahead and do my scheduled runs this weekend. (Yay!) I’m also supposed to only wear shoes with support (as opposed to my beloved Converse). Next week I’ll see him again to discuss the outcome. It may well be that I end up getting orthotics for a while to allow me to keep running while it heals.

So it’s both bad news and good news. Now I’m just sorry I waited so long to see a specialist! I’m glad I finally have a diagnosis and I can move forward on this.

Sock Monkeys

For those of you who don’t know, back in 2004 I actually posted a photo tutorial for making your own sock monkey. So even if you don’t win this year’s Oscar Contest, you can always make your own!

RunningBlog: Week 6

Week 6
This week I bounced back from last week’s chin-up related setback. Sunday was my “long run,” but as it’s a cutback week I was only scheduled for 4 miles. The Snook and I did another mile time trial, and though I felt we were speeding along, the time was a disappointing 10:58. (I went back and cleaned up the GPS on our first time trial a month ago, and that one was 10:20.) My foot was bothering me, so I took Monday and Tuesday off to rest. Wednesday I had a morning run and then a Spudds session at lunch. (I KICKED ASS on the rower.) Yesterday I treated myself to a full-body massage in the evening, where a little Chinese man went to town on the knots and tightness in my legs. This morning I went for another run, and though my legs felt great my foot was pretty sore. I’m seeing the podiatrist at lunchtime, so hopefully he’ll be able to advise what to do.

Feb. 6: 6.81km
Feb. 9: 6.09km
Feb. 11: 6.12km
Total this week: 19.02km (11.9mi)
Total in 2011: 130.97km (81.8mi)

To meet my goal of running 1100km in 2011, I should be at 126.9km. So I’ve still got a 4km buffer. I actually have quite a lot of running scheduled this weekend. Tomorrow there’s a 5K Group Run/Meet-up with some of the Daily Mile folks. Then Sunday is my scheduled long run of 19.2km (12mi). Eek! Hope my foot is up to it.