Month: February 2011 (page 3 of 6)

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Inspiring Colour Combinations

Inspiring Colour Combinations. Wow. A lovely post by my friend Ailsa about how she took inspiration from something she saw online.

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Sage advice

Sage advice.

RunningBlog: Week 7

Week 7
This was one of my longest distance weeks ever! On Saturday about ten of us got together for a dailymile meetup and 5K run. The Snook and Kunaal were there too. My foot was still taped up, and I was amazed at what a difference it made. I didn’t have any pain on the 20 minute walk through Glebe to get to the starting line, and the first 3K of the run were pain-free too. (I said to the Snook: “It feels like I got a foot transplant!”) By the 4th kilometer though, I started to feel my arch aching a bit beneath the tape. Still, it wasn’t too bad. On Sunday I did my longest run since the Half-Marathon last year: 19km (12 miles). I did 1:1 run/walk the whole way. I went to Centennial Park, did a couple big loops, then headed back. The Snook met me and ran the last few km’s with me. I felt surprisingly good and I didn’t have much trouble with recovery afterwards. My foot was sore, but I think the tape definitely made a difference. I took Monday and Tuesday off to rest. Tuesday night I did a core workout at home, then Wednesday had a killer session at Spudds. Thursday night I walked home from work carrying a big heavy backpack. And then this morning went for a slow 6km on a grey and humid morning.

Feb. 12: 5.34km
Feb. 13: 19.51km
Feb. 18: 6.02km
Total this week: 30.87km (19.3mi)
Total in 2010: 161.84km (101.1mi)

I’ve crossed the 100-mile threshold for the year! To meet my goal of running 1100km in 2011, I should be at 148km right now. Wow, my buffer is growing! Time for another cutback week though to give everything a rest.

I’ve also got a follow-up session with the podiatrist today. I’ll let you know the outcome…

Boston University

Wait, what? I got Notre Dame around the corner, and Boston University a few blocks away? I had no idea.

Barb’s Zine

Barb wrote a zine! I emailed her to get a copy. I told her I’m only sorry that Sassy isn’t still around so I can send in a review.

Felafel Land

Felafel Land
Last week there was a bit of a brouhaha when Eddie McGuire referred to western Sydney as “the land of the felafel” on his radio show. (My personal feeling is that it was probably only 25% racism and 75% Eddie-being-a-dickhead, but whatev.) Anyway, the Snook is going to the apps4nsw “Hack Day” event tomorrow, where developers from around Sydney will spent 10 hours mashing up government data in new and interesting ways. As practice, he decided yesterday to test Eddie’s hypothesis. He pulled restaurant data from TrueLocal to create a heat map of the kebab shops in Sydney.

Land of the Felafel

Some interesting results there. Plenty of felafel available in the CBD, but once you go over the Harbour Bridge, you’re in a veritable felafel desert.

Incidentally, if you have any inspiration for an app idea for the Snook, leave a comment or drop me an email. He’s even dabbling in iPhone development too…

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