Month: August 2011 (page 4 of 5)

RunningBlog: Week 31

Week 31 – The Continuing Saga of the Mystery Virus
So when I last left you, the Snook and I were both laid low with some mystery malady. Symptoms: major tiredness, fever, some nausea, a bit of a sore throat, and swollen glands. We spent Friday and Saturday basically sitting on the couch resting, but we dragged ourselves out for a run on Sunday. Monday and Tuesday we were wiped out again. Tuesday night I went to my doctor to see if he had any advice, especially as we had two races scheduled over the next two weekends. He told me straight: “You’re not training this week, and you’re definitely not racing on Sunday.” WHAAAT? Well, crap. So we haven’t done any other running or exercising all week. I feel mostly recovered, but my lymph nodes are still noticeably swollen. If they don’t go down soon, Dr. Chin wants me to have a blood test to make sure we don’t have mono (i.e. glandular fever). My teammates Kunaal, Raj, and Chiefy are right now running the Bay Run without me. (The race organisers were kind enough to let us defer our entries til next year.) Hopefully we can get in a few runs this week so we’re mentally prepared for next Sunday’s City 2 Surf!

July 31: 6.57km
Total this week: 6.57km
Total in 2011: 732.22km (457.6mi)

To meet my goal of running 1200km in 2011, I should be at 715km right now. My cushion has definitely been eaten up in the last month! I need to put the ankle sprain and virus behind me so I can get back onto a regular training schedule.

Right turn, Clyde.

Just wasted two hours of my life watching “Every Which Way But Loose” in a fit of misplaced nostalgia and missing my Dad. Dear god, that is a TERRIBLE movie. It’s completely random and makes zero sense. The gag where Clint “shoots” Clyde was the only funny 10 seconds in the whole thing!

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Miss Fee on the radio!

Have you heard? Miss Fee was on the radio this morning! It was the 10th annual ABC Knit-In, and she got interviewed about being a “groovy young” knitter. Yay Miss Fee!

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Ultra Marathon

Wow. The guy from The Oatmeal ran an ultra marathon last week. I am worried that I don’t seem as scared by his description as I probably should be.


Ooh. The Colette patterns blog is doing a Rooibos sewalong. Very tempted, but I’m not sure that style would look good on me. What do you guys think? Suitable for tall and curvy, or not so good?

Crochet Afghan

Another crochet afghan to make. Uh oh. I might be developing an obsession here.

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