Month: January 2012 (page 4 of 6)

Stuffed Hobbes (with pattern)

Stuffed Hobbes (with pattern) – I need to make this for all my nieces and nephews, and for the Snook, and for myself.

Crocheted Cyclops Costume

Crocheted Cyclops Costume – That. Is. Awesome.

Rainbow eucalyptus

Rainbow eucalyptus – Wow, pretty!

The Friday Podcast: Who Killed Lard? : Planet Money : NPR

The Friday Podcast: Who Killed Lard? : Planet Money : NPR – I definitely remember reading that passage from “The Jungle” and being grossed out.

The Dresden Dolls, Enmore Theater, Sydney

The Dresden Dolls, Enmore Theater, Sydney
On Saturday we went to see The Dresden Dolls at the Enmore Theater. We’d seen Amanda play solo last year at the Opera House, but this was our first introduction to the Dolls. I have to say, I think I prefer the solo stuff. I can appreciate the Dolls in terms of art and musical proficiency, but it just isn’t my favourite style of music. (When they say “punk cabaret,” they mean it. LOUD and CACOPHONOUS.) Still, it was an entertaining show. The highlight was during the encore, when a sweaty bra-wearing person flopped into the seat in front of us in the balcony – AMANDA HERSELF. She then proceeded to sing “Mein Herr” while crawling all over the balcony. At one point some crazed fan jumped on her and gave her a hickey until security pulled her off. It was pretty fun. I managed to get the whole thing on video. (It’s cool; AFP confirmed on Twitter she’s got an open camera/video policy.)

Being grumpy, lazy old people, we arrived late to skip all the opening acts. We did catch the Bedroom Philosopher performing his “Northcote, So Hungover” hit but with substituted lyrics from YouTube. He did it the next night in Melbourne as well, and somebody filmed it. I think his delivery was funnier our night, but we sadly didn’t get Amanda wandering the stage as a bored hipster. 🙂

MONA Museum, Hobart

Spotted this little write-up about the MONA Museum in Hobart. I definitely want to visit sometime. This bit raised my eyebrows though:

Tattoo Tim, as he is called, sits on a pedestal throughout the day so museum visitors can view the tattoos on his back. He will be at the museum daily for at least the next month and will take guided tours once a day through the Delvoye exhibition. When he dies, he will be skinned and his tattoos displayed in a more traditional frame.

”That could be tomorrow, but I hope it’s not,” the 35-year-old from Switzerland says with a smile.

I hope for his sake he meets with a nicer fate than poor Drioli!

Monorail: build it and they will come, except they didn’t

Monorail: build it and they will come, except they didn’t – For the record, I think a “Lazertube-Skywalk” would be AWESOME. (And there I go using that word again…)

Behind Every Great Woman – BusinessWeek

Behind Every Great Woman – BusinessWeek – Need to double my salary before I can afford to keep Snook on as a househusband…

RunningBlog: Week 1

Week 1: And back to the beginning I go for the third year in a row! The first week of 2012 was an interesting one. I did my first “long” run of marathon training – 7 miles. It was on a very hot day, so I took it nice and slow. I missed my mid-week run in favour of trying to give blood once again, and I’m happy to report that this time it was successful! On Friday I went out for an easy 5K, but it was just awful. My legs and feet hurt and I just didn’t want to be out there. In retrospect, I realise what the problem was. I accidentally wore my old running shoes! Unfortunately that mistake resulted in me developing a slight case of runner’s knee. I exacerbated it on Saturday with a long bike ride and a strength workout. I’ve been icing and resting it ever since.

Jan 2: 11.51km
Jan 6: 5.80km
Jan 7: 14.44km (cycling)
Jan 7: strength workout
Total cycling this week: 14.44km (9mi)
Total cycling in 2012: 14.44km (9mi)
Total running this week: 17.31km (10.8mi)
Total running in 2012: 17.31km (10.8mi)

I’m not going to start comparing myself to the necessary goal pace just yet or it’ll make resting this knee more difficult. I’ll get there once the long runs start extending, I know it.

Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals #37: Broccoli Orecchiette

Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals #37: Broccoli Orecchiette
This was our 37th cooking/blogging experiment from Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals. I’m still catching up on the backlog! For this one, we made “Broccoli Orecchiette, Courgette & Bocconcini Salad, Prosciutto & Melon Salad.” We picked it because we knew we were getting rockmelon (cantaloupe) in our weekly veggie box, and we had some zucchini to use up as well. I was on chef’s duty for this one, and I managed it in an easy 26:14!

Broccoli Pasta

Substitutions: The only change – and it’s an obvious one – is that we used fusilli instead of orecchiette, simply because that’s what we could find! Everything else was as written in the recipe.

Quick verdict: This was great! A tasty and easy pasta dish along with two flavoursome salads. I think the anchovies and chilli were the key to the pasta and kept it from being boring. I was actually dreading the prosciutto and melon, mostly because I’m not a huge fan of cantaloupe. Ours was perfectly ripe though, and it went SO WELL with the prosciutto. I loved it. The courgette salad was good, if a bit messy! We both rated this one 9.5 out of 10. It’s a nice summery Italian feast that you could whip up for a group pretty easily.

Read on for a photo essay of the preparation.Pre-start prep: We got out all the necessary ingredients, tools, and cooking vessels. The kitchen was clean (well, as clean as it gets) and everything wiped down and ready to go. The kettle was filled up and heated. We had a big pot for the cooking the pasta and a frying pan for the pasta sauce. The food processor was ready with both the grater and the blade, and we also needed a mortar & pestle.

First up are the ingredients for the pasta: parmesan cheese, broccoli, “sprouting broccoli” (broccolini), anchovies, capers, dried chilli, garlic, thyme, and dried fusilli.

Pasta ingredients

For the courgette salad, we had mint, red chilli, lemon, courgettes (zucchini), and a tub of bocconcini.

Courgette Salad ingredients

For the other salad, we had: basil, lemon, prosciutto, cantaloupe, and balsamic vinegar.

Prosciutto and melon ingredients

Pots and pans, ready to go! Big pot for pasta, fry pan for pasta sauce.

Pots and pans

Food processor with grater and blade, and mortar & pestle.

Food processor

And I’m off! I started by trimming the rind off the parmesan cheese.

Trimming the cheese

Then I fed that into the food processor to grate it up.

Grating cheese

I set the cheese aside for later and switched in the blade attachment in the food processor.


Next I trimmed off all the florets from the broccoli.


I also trimmed the ends from the broccolini and cut the spears in half.

Trimming broccolini

I added the chopped up broccoli stalk to the food processor along with some anchovies and their oil.


I also added capers, dried chilli, and three cloves of garlic.

More stuff

Then I whizzed it all up into a paste.

Sauce paste

I put the broccoli paste into the hot frying pan with some olive oil.

Cooking the paste

Next I picked in some thyme leaves…

Thyme leaves

…and added some water, along with the parmesan rind.

Adding water and rind

Time to get the pasta going! I filled the big pot from the kettle and added the fusilli.


While those were cooking, it was time to prep the salads. I picked some mint leaves and de-seeded a red chilli.

Mint and chilli

I grated on some lemon zest…

Lemon zest

…then chopped it all together.


I put this on a serving plate with some extra virgin olive oil and then squeezed over some lemon juice.


I next used a speed peeler to turn the zucchini into thin ribbons.

Peeling zucchini

Time to add the broccoli and broccolini to the cooking pasta!

Adding broccoli to pasta

I piled the zucchini ribbons on to the dressing and took it to the table with the bocconcini.

Finished zucchini salad

Next I picked a handful of basil leaves and bashed them up with some salt in the mortar & pestle.

Bashing basil

I also added some extra virgin olive oil and lemon juice to loosen it up a bit. It was the most brilliant green.

Making a sauce

The pasta and broccoli was cooked, so I drained it in the sink (reserving part of the cooking liquid).

Draining pasta

The sauce was finished, so I removed the parmesan rind.


Then I added the pasta to the sauce along with some cooking liquid and tossed a couple handfuls of grated parmesan on top.

Combining everything

To prep the cantaloupe, I cut it in half and removed the seeds.


Then I used a spoon to remove large chunks of melon flesh to the serving plate.

Chunks of melon

I then draped over the slices of prosciutto.


To finish the salad, I drizzled over some balsamic, extra virgin olive oil, and cantaloupe juice. (The basil sauce was added just before serving.)

Melon salad

Here’s the finished broccoli pasta with extra parmesan on top.

Finished pasta

Here’s the finished zucchini salad, all tossed together and with the bocconcini added.

Zucchini salad

And here’s the finished melon salad, complete with basil sauce.

Prosciutto and melon salad

Lastly, the complete meal!

Finished meal

Tasting notes: The Snook also liked the anchovy in the broccoli pasta. He is anti-broccolini though, just because he thinks it’s expensive and doesn’t taste any different from normal broccoli. But he enjoyed the dish nevertheless. We both enjoyed the zucchini salad, but you may want to add some salt as the mozzarella balls can be a little bland. And the prosciutto and melon! It was a revelation. We were fighting over the last pieces. I think the key factors there were having a ripe cantaloupe and some excellent (slightly funky, in a good way) prosciutto. Having only three dishes means this meal is a fast one to cook, and I easily finished in under thirty minutes. We both rated it 9.5 out of 10. Highly recommended!

Stay tuned for another recipe from Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals!