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@drkknits I don’t usually make it. Just buy it in tubs from Asian grocery! πŸ™‚ Maangchi has best Korean recipes tho:

@sixandahalfst @witty_knitter @discoknitter I KNEW IT!!!

Sitting on the bus in The Rocks going nowhere. Hungry. @the_snook’s arm is starting to look tasty…

RT @ScottRhodie: Ah’m aff tae get some haggis in ma belly!!! #burns // SHITE. We forgot the haggis!! (cc @mrs_sockvictim)

Dude on the bus is blaring his music SO LOUD. But randomly, he is listening to the Star Wars soundtrack. So overall THUMBS UP, geeky dude.

An HOUR to get home from The Rocks. AN HOUR TO GO LESS THAN 3 MILES. MOVE! MOOOOVE! (I am screaming in my head like Elaine on the subway.)

@drkknits Definitely! Fill up on that good protein. πŸ™‚

@drkknits I made it home and gnawed on some biltong instead. NICK OF TIME.

@drkknits This sort is salt & vinegar. Mostly like chewy, dried meat! I’m a fan. Costco has a jerky deal on I might try to hit next weekend.

@drkknits Sure! There’s still a couple pieces. I’ll bring it along.

@drkknits Asian Meatballs with Cabbage. (Will post recipes on blog.) #paleo

@gilmae @drkknits Don’t tempt me. I’ll put @the_snook’s Mad Culinary Scientist brain to work on it…

@madradish @drkknits Recipe link blogged!

RT @Nigella_Lawson: In honour of Australia Day, I have changed my Marmite Spaghetti to Vegemite Spaghetti – to see, click on link! http: …

RT @TeresaKopec: Every time Obama gives a big speech you need to be asking yourself, “Where is Seal Team 6?” If you’re a bad guy the ans …

@drkknits Prototypical #paleo breakfast for us: scrambled eggs with fixin’s and sausages.

@DDsD When will the AO sale end? Finally looking to buy my fridge…

@drkknits Hahaha. So you’re at the ANGRY phase of carb withdrawal? πŸ™‚

@drkknits NO! Worst thing ever. You should get a Soda Stream! Fizzy water feels more special than plain, kills soda cravings more.

@arwenamin @drkknits Dr K was asking me about how @the_snook and I eat low-carb: So she’s giving it a try. πŸ™‚

@arwenamin @drkknits Dark Chocolate is totally allowed as a “sensible indulgence.” I couldn’t handle it otherwise… πŸ™‚

@drkknits You know what’s a good source of protein? A BIG HUNK OF MAN MEAT.

Dinner Tonight

Asian Pork Balls with Napa CabbageDinner Tonight: Asian Pork Balls with Napa Cabbage
This is a recipe I found a few months back when I was looking for a way to use up some Napa cabbage from the veggie box. It’s pretty simple to make, but the flavours are great! I definitely recommend putting the sherry into the broth; it adds some nice complexity. I don’t bother with the step of thickening the sauce; we just eat it like soup. It’s got heaps of protein and very little carbs. It’s also fairly cheap, and it makes plenty for leftovers for lunch the next day!

New Job – so far

Not a lot of blogging so far this week, just because my new job at Sitback is taking up all my focus! So far it’s going really well. I expected to spend a couple days finding my feet, but instead on day one I got handed a document and asked if I could make it better. And I realised I could! I’m not a green BA anymore; I actually know what I’m doing. I’m addin’ value, baby! Then yesterday I had a big client meeting to kick off a new project. I think I acquitted myself pretty well. The things that I’m doing and the work in the pipeline are confirming that this move was the right choice for my career. It’s an exciting time…

Oh! And since I’m using my laptop as my work machine right now (since I’m contracting), I realised that I can update my DeskCam more frequently.

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First client meeting done and dusted! That went pretty well, I think. Project team all seem very capable and great to work with.

@taradefrancisco Stop running on it til it’s better. Or two years later it will still hurt, and you will feel stupid. Ask me how I know.

@drkknits Post-work paleo snack of dill pickle, handful of macadamias, and a couple pieces of biltong. πŸ™‚

My new colleague Karen at Sitback features in new Google Apps marketing campaign #whatareyouworkingfor Neat!

Butter wouldn’t melt in my mouth, I tells ya. (Related: Eleanor is staying on as Guild Camp advisor. I’M TOTES A UNITER.)

Anybody in Sydney up for a Costco visit the weekend after next? Some good discounts on… (cc @mrs_sockvictim)

@knitabulous @drkknits Snook and I have been mostly paleo for 6 months. Just making the final tweaks. Dr K is intrigued so I’m advising. πŸ™‚

@knitabulous @drkknits Would be hard with a family with kids, no doubt. Also expensive!

@knitabulous @drkknits So proud of @the_snook. He went to work event with free crisps and beer and didn’t partake at all!

RT @Lackadazy: The only reason I care about the Oscars this year, or any year really, is for @web_goddess’s contest. // It’s coming!

@drkknits If you want to tweet every meal at me to keep you honest, go for it! I might do the same. πŸ™‚

@drkknits Though to me, that brekkie needs some MEAT. (I had sausage AND chicken with my eggs. CARNIVORE NOM NOM NOM.)

@kcarruthers You’ll have to pry my Toodledo from my cold, dead hands.

@kcarruthers Ah. That’s why I use online list that sync to every computer and phone. I’m fairly disciplined when it comes to lists though.

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Meeting with Kev. This is way too convenient! (@ Harbour View Hotel)

Great first day! Surprised myself by how quick I was able to jump in and actually be productive. Everybody seems really friendly too. πŸ™‚

@quietdiscourse Contracting at, in the Rocks.

@quietdiscourse Yep. It’s a new role for them, so hoping to go permanent once I prove how awesome and useful I am. πŸ™‚

Sorry for the massive infodump, @drkknits! πŸ™‚

ZOMG. You talk loudly on the bus AND refuse to move to the back? You’re lucky I don’t have Instant Death Mind Powers.

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Muesli bar break in the middle of our cycling course tour of Sydney!

Post-cycling reward lunch. (@ Pardz @ LMC Cafe)

SITCOM SITUATION. I tried to remove the washing machine water hose while the water was on. Much merriment ensued. Also wetness.

@randomknits Lovely!!

@drkknits @knitterjp Did Lyn really puke?!

@bellsknits I have FB friends who enjoyed it. Going to watch it before I pass judgement.

WTF did they do to Google News? Are they rolling this out slowly? It looks like Google Reader and Google+ had a mutated baby.

Happy Seollal! (It’s Korean New Year too. Eat some kimchi!)

@witty_knitter @knitterjp @kunaal84 @drkknits Thank you! Going to do my best. πŸ™‚

Feel like a kid going to first day of new school!

RT @mc_peters: Danah Boyd: Cracking Teenagers’ Online Codes // I love that they capitalised her name. Bless you, NYT.

@mrs_sockvictim No bike today. Wanted to look nice – not all sweaty!