Month: February 2015 (page 4 of 13)

Favorited today on Twitter

  • LeenaVanD: BOOKIE TWITTER: I´m after a non-fiction book written by two writers that featured personal anecdotes by each? How did they express voice?
  • adamliaw: It’s great that Prince Harry and Emma Watson are dating but I didn’t realise Emma Watson was even on Tinder.

I love this.

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Sunday roast. Lamb shoulder, carrots, and sprouts courtesy of the Snook; brown butter cornbread courtesy of me and my cast iron skillet!

Sunday roast. Lamb shoulder, carrots, and sprouts courtesy of the Snook; brown butter cornbread courtesy of me and my cast iron skillet!

Caramelized Garlic Tart

Caramelized Garlic TartSo today was Zena’s birthday tea party, and I volunteered to bring a savoury quiche of some sort. I settled on Martha’s Caramelized Garlic Tart*. I used frozen puff pastry, but the rest was all from scratch. My tart pan isn’t as big as the one specified, so I actually made two smaller tarts (keeping the more rustic one pictured for the Snook). It involved three full heads of garlic, and we used the metal bowl trick to peel them in less than a minute. For the cheese, I used a goat’s chevre and then a normal gouda (since I couldn’t easily find goat’s gouda). I subbed in sour cream for the crème fraîche (because it’s the same thing for twice the price, Martha). The tart was a massive hit! Everybody loved it and asked for the recipe, so here I am blogging it. Definitely a lovely and not-too-difficult one for a brunch or party.

* Unbeknownst to me, the recipe wasn’t actually written by Martha. Instead it’s by chef Yotam Ottolenghi, who also came up with the beautiful caramel macadamia cheesecake that Miss Fee made for the party. Clearly, I need this dude’s cookbook.

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As @smark31 said:

As @smark31 said: “All show and no knickers.” That’s just wrong.

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A fittingly disturbing cake for a 40th birthday.

A fittingly disturbing cake for a 40th birthday.

It's a Saltwater Sandal kind of party.

It’s a Saltwater Sandal kind of party.

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I've had a lot of sugar.

I’ve had a lot of sugar.

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Blocking. (Did I mention how annoyed I am they killed the Intarsia category at the Show?)

Blocking. (Did I mention how annoyed I am they killed the Intarsia category at the Show?)

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It's Korean New Year too. Saehae bok mani badeuseyo!

It’s Korean New Year too. Saehae bok mani badeuseyo!

Reading on Flipboard