Happy birthday to my sister Amy, who turns 24 today. Woo! Hopefully her new boyfriend will take her out on the town.

4 thoughts on “”

  1. i’ve been risking my job the last few days by checking out your site every now and then. f#%@ the man! hey, thanks for the bday wishes. the new bf already sent me roses and got me HP “Chamber of Secrets” on DVD (that was wednesday’s present – it’s been a bday WEEK for me.) YAY! who knows what’s in store for tonight. hope you guys are having fun in the l-town. miss you.

  2. oh, and you should give a shout-out to the little man joey, who has come out of his ear operation in tip-top shape. *whew* that’s the best present i got so far. 🙂

  3. Oh, good! I tried to call Mom before our flight from Boston but the phones in the airport were all honkytonk and broken. Glad to hear he’s okay… and that you’re having a super bday! Alex and Jo say hi too. 🙂

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