Cupcakes and Monkey

It was a creative kind of night. I finished yet another sock monkey (a Christmas gift for the daughter of co-worker Dean) and a big tray of cupcakes for our Christmas Eve office luncheon. They’re yellow cake mix – from scratch! – with flavored frosting and “hundreds and thousands” on top. (That’s what Aussies call “sprinkles”.) I know the blue isn’t really seasonal, but I ran out of red food colouring during the whole Halloween “bloody cupcake” debacle and I didn’t feel like running out for more. Based on the samples the Snook and I had tonight, they’re pretty darn tasty regardless. Please imagine that if I was next to you right now, I’d be handing one over this instant. Merry Christmas!

Monkey     Cupcakes

One thought on “Cupcakes and Monkey”

  1. oooh, cupcakes look good, and sock monkey is cute as ever. want to share the recipe ;o)? or perhaps i should just google for yellow cake recipe… i’ve been baking up a storm over the past week – mince pies, choc cake, choc cup cakes, apple pie – to the extent that people have started stopping by my desk on their way to tea break to see whether i’ve got any goodies. heh.

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