One’s a wish…

One’s a wish,
two’s a kiss,
three’s a very bad cold.

Recited to me by a very cute old lady in the shop this morning after I had a sneezing attack


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  1. What is 8 – my normal number?
    P.s the Snb on thursday – an alternative?

  2. when we lived in singapore, i was told that one sneeze means you are thinking of someone you like, and two sneezes mean someone you like is thinking about you.

    i asked what three sneezes meant, and was told it means you’re getting a cold!

  3. There was a rumour going around way back in late primary school that 8 was the equivalent of an orgasm! 😉

  4. Not sure on Thursday, Fee. I probably won’t be around; I think I’m going to the hairdresser’s. If you want to pick a spot, I’ll try and spread the word as best I can.

  5. LOL
    my Nan always said 2 and someones thinking of you, 3 and you’ll get a letter, 4 and you’ll get a visitor, 5 and you’ll get a kiss…. i assumed 6 and you’ll get some action!

  6. IIRC from Spanish in high school, 1st = Salud (blessings), 2nd = Amor (love), 3rd = Dinero (fortune). I like their third sneeze tradition much better than yours!

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