TC Sale

I think I’ve told all the knitters I see on a regular basis, but in case I missed you, here’s the Hot Tip of the Week: the Tapestry Craft Annual Sale starts Saturday the 26th.


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  1. Thanks for that. Much appreciated. I was looking at the Knit Picks Circulars for sock knitting and thinking…maybe…but now I will wait.

  2. Thanks for the tip 🙂 But I think you mean saturday the 26th?

  3. Whoops! Yep, the 26th. Saturday. No discounts on Friday! 🙂

  4. At the risk of being labelled a Stupid Shopper, I can’t see anywhere on the website where it’s mentioned – ie how long it lasts, examples of some of your bargains etc. Am I being really dumb?

  5. You’re not Stupid, SallyO. We don’t advertise our sales until right before they start. I’m giving out a secret tip to my regular readers. 🙂

    (Discounts haven’t been finalized yet, but I’ve seen some awesome packs of wool – beautiful 10ply alpaca, Merino Supreme, etc – that are going to be massively reduced. Normal stock is usually at least 10% off.)

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