Urge to Kill Rising…

Only one of these people exists.
We just got our invitation to my brother’s wedding. It’s addressed to “Mr. and Mrs. Rodd Snook.”

The Snook, of course, finds it all so highly amusing.


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  1. Love the post title.

  2. Which century are these people living in???

  3. I’ll accept it from my Grandpa (who can’t remember to do otherwise) and from my Aunt (who’s taking the piss), but you’d think my own brother would know my name!

    (For the hundredth time, I’m Ms Kristine Howard. No Missus. I do occasionally refer to us as the “Howard-Snooks” when I’m feeling cheeky.)

  4. Eileen's friend Kim

    June 15, 2007 — 3:40 am

    Ooh, I hate that. The only thing worse would be someone referring to just you as Mrs. Rodd Snook. I know it is a generational thing, but I think that is totally ridiculous.

  5. For me this sounds like somebody is somebody else property.

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