Month: June 2002 (page 3 of 10)

New Poll! Where are you on the food chain? I know some of you vegan types will complain about only having two options, but just pick whatever fits you best.

I’ve been noticing lately that when I hit the site in the morning, more than eight comments have gone by in the “Recent Comments” list. Since I like to read each and every one, I’ve made an extended Recent Comments page that lists the last 50 comments here at the site. (It’s also linked down there on the left.) Now you never have to lose track of a w-g discussion!

I am the sports jinx of all time. My teams never, ever win. As soon as I crowed about England, Senegal, Korea, and USA being in the quarterfinals, their fates were sealed. Sorry, everybody.

Moire found an amazing article about the practice of many Amish and Mennonite families traveling to Tijuana, Mexico for low-cost medical treatment. I had no idea that stuff happened. Reminds me of that episode of The Simpsons where Homer undergoes a bypass from Dr. Nick. How desperate do you have to be to travel to Tijuana for a hysterectomy? And how the hell do they get to Mexico anyway? They don’t drive all the way there in their buggies, do they?

Snookums and I were most impressed to see the poster for The Two Towers. It looks great. There is, of course, some scholarly debate over whether the towers depicted are the ones Tolkien intended. There’s a great comment on that page from Kevin that sorta explains the confusion. (You have to wade through the usual AICN fanboy slobbering nonsense to get to it, though.)

Is it wrong to find shirtless Ned Flanders from the “Oh Streetcar!” episode of The Simpsons kinda sexy? I mean, I know it’s Flanders and all, but he’s ripped! (Snookums is rolling his eyes at me.)

I was walking through the QVB shopping centre in the city today when I found myself drawn to a fabulous-smelling shop full of soap. To my surprise, I realized it was Lush, the cosmetics store Megan‘s always raving about. I stepped in to look around, and before I knew it I’d let the goateed shop assistant talk me into buying three bath bombs and a tub of scrub. Mmm, everything smells so delicious. I can’t wait to try them out!

Feel the need for some new music? Sign up for the Metafilter CD Swap Part Deux. Registration is only open til July 1!

Hey, you athletic yoga types! Do you know of a good stretch for the lower back? Mine is killing me. It’s right down at the very base of my spine on either side, just above my hips. I can’t seem to figure out a way to work it out, other than having the Snook walk on me. (Ouch!)