Month: March 2003 (page 5 of 8)

Cute Baby Animal Alert! “Weesa give you una bongo…”

Sweeeeeeet. There’s going to be a Buffy Convention in Melbourne in May! I’m trying to talk the Snook into going. (Link courtesy of orangecat.)

Curses! I am foiled by my own celebrity. The third Australian series of Big Brother will be starting up soon… and I know someone with the inside scoop. Today I pleaded with Deep Throat to reveal some of the surprises in store. “No way!” they said. “I know you. You’ll post it all over your bloody website!” I was forced to admit that I would. Thus I remain just as clueless as the rest of you. I did manage to wrangle forth one little tidbit: “This year it’s all about the house.” Apparently they’ve just spent an incredible amount on it, and I’m guessing that it’s going to have some fun hidden features. There supposedly was a recent press release saying something about a glass wall down the middle that will separate the boys from the girls. Deep Throat wouldn’t confirm or deny this, but I got the distinct impression that it’s a red herring. I guess we’ll all find out soon enough!

OmniWeb 4.2 Beta 2 is now out for you OS X kids. It seems to fix that annoying bug that made it crash every two seconds. Hmm, maybe I’ll have to switch back from Safari

Ooh, Moire‘s finally posted wedding photos! And check out the curly tendrils… Very pretty!

Whoa. Has anybody else noticed that CouchCam has gone, like, infrared? I actually think it looks kinda cool. But no, we haven’t done that on purpose…

Bichel… Bichel… Biiiiichelllllllllllllll! (Apologies to the non-cricket fans, but Australia – previously unbeaten in the World Cup – just almost got their asses handed to them by the Kiwis. Luckily Andy Bichel, the Champion of the World, was once again available to play the hero…)

In case there was any doubt at all, this picture clearly reestablishes Renee Zellweger as my nemesis. She’s just too friggin’ gawky and weird right now.

For the most part, the Snook and I are so similar that I just kinda forget that we grew up in different countries. Every now and then, though, I make a startling discovery, like the fact that he’s never eaten Kraft Macaroni and Cheese before. How weird is that? Luckily the box my Aunt Deb sent me for Christmas made it through quarantine, so I was able to initiate him into the realm of crap budget pasta dishes tonight. It was just inconceivable to me that he’d never experienced the joys of elbow macaroni and day-glo orange cheese powder before. I’m happy to report that – though he initially thought it had a “strange aftertaste” – he quickly wolfed down his portion. Another bridge crossed…

Another rainy day; another wet birthday card. The forecast doesn’t look any better for the rest of the week. This sucks.