Month: February 2004 (page 3 of 11)

More SF wedding photos

More gorgeous wedding photos from San Francisco. (I went through them all but I didn’t spot the ND girls anywhere.) In a related MetaFilter discussion, somebody mentioned that Mayor Daley (of Chicago) is in support of the marriages. Can anybody confirm this? I always thought Chi-town would be a nice place to live, but if this is true you can put me down as a future resident and happy taxpayer.

Gary Trudeau rocks

You know, I was never a huge fan of Doonesbury before, but I friggin’ love that Gary Trudeau has offered a $10,000 reward to anybody that can definitely prove that Dubya showed up for his National Guard duty in 1972. Somehow I think the money’s safe.

My new favorite joke

Q: How many hipsters does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: What, like, you don’t already know?

That was my favorite joke from this MetaFilter thread. (Warning, many very tasteless jokes in there… but funny too!)

The Sign of the Beast

I'm the devil!Behold, the Beast from Hell!
I haven’t given you a knitting update in ages, have I? Yes, that’s me in a custom knit devil-horned hat. The pattern’s from Debbie Stoller’s book Stitch ‘N’ Bitch and I whipped it up in about six hours. (Pattern note for those playing at home: I used two balls of Heirloom 12-ply on 6mm needles.) I discovered some black wool in my stash so I might try the kitty-cat hat next. Now I just have to wait for it to get cold enough to wear!

Catching up on other projects… I also made a jumper/sweater for my iPod! My old case was getting grubby and I rarely use the belt clip anyway. There’s a pattern in Stitch ‘N’ Bitch but it requires sewing, so I just made up my own. (I started by knitting a flat rectangle about the size of the bottom of the iPod, and then picked up around the edges and knit in the round to the top. Then I cast off the front and continued knitting flat to make the flap. I even put a yarn-over in the right spot to leave a hole for the headphone jack!) I haven’t sewn any velcro on it yet, which is why I have to hold the flap closed here. Also note: I finally got my iPod in-ear headphones! As Ron suggested, they are a bit tinny. I only really notice it on the badly-ripped songs though. I’ve fiddled with the equalizer settings to boost the bass and that helps. But I’m back in the Cult of the White Wires!

Another recent finished object is the red scarf I’m sporting below. The wool is some handspun and hand-dyed stuff I bought at Camp Creative in January. The thickness varies from thread-thin to finger-thick. I just cast on eight stitches on my 10mm needles and knit til I ran out of wool. It went about six feet. I’m loving it. Oh, and my sister tells me that “skinny scarves are in” in the US, so unbeknownst to me I’m already in style for the winter!

Oh, and there’s a work in progress in that last picture too: my muscles. I’m on Week 3 of my weight training regimen and I’m feeling pretty darn buff!

iPod Jumper     Muscle Me with Scarf

ND Alumnae Get Married

Yay! According to Nora, two girls from Notre Dame (from Lyons Hall, to be exact) got married in San Francisco last week. I met one of them a couple times and I’m just so happy for them.

Quilt Thieves

Apparently the hot new crime in the world of fine art is… stealing quilts. Seriously. I better start learning how to work a barcode into my stitching!

Jewel sucked.

Jewel sucked. I feel vindicated.

Amish in Florida

It’s well known around the Midwest that practically every old person in Indiana migrates to Florida for the winter (my family included)… but I never knew that the Amish did it too!

Ron’s new splash page

Ron has an excellent new splash page.

[I’d like to take this opportunity to reassure my family that I was NOT KIDDING when I said that they all had to register to vote and vote AGAINST BUSH if they ever wanted me to move back to America and get married and have babies. I mean it, Grandma Veva!]

Sushi Boats!

The Snook and I had to head back to our old neighborhood Newtown this morning and we noticed a new restaurant: Sushi Boat! As far as I can tell, it’s just like a sushi train except the food floats on little boats in a channel. (It sounds like that crappy duck game we used to play at my Mom’s company picnic that consisted of picking up a rubber duckie and winning the prize that corresponded with the number written on its bottom. Not a lot of skill involved there.) I think we’re going to have to investigate this one further.