Month: March 2009 (page 4 of 9)

Cold sore.

Crap. You know what you really DON’T NEED when your self-esteem has already taken a beating? A frickin’ cold sore. It’s early stages; I’m going nuclear with the lysine and Zovirax. (Interestingly, I only get them when my system is stressed. Am I getting sick? Was it my lack of sleep last week courtesy of the cats? Was my depression over the diet situation the cause… or just another symptom?)

The Rosendahl Bend

The Rosendahl Bend. I’m kind of fascinated by knots.

Trumpet Hero

TrumpetHero. OHMYGOD, WANT! I need to play “Sweet Home Alabama” on an electronic trumpet.


Depressed. Snookums is threatening to hide our scales again because of the way they can wreck my entire self-worth in two seconds. I just don’t understand how I can work out five times a week, guzzle liters of water every day, cut out all snacks and fizzy drinks, eat nothing but three square meals a day (with no seconds) and STILL gain two pounds in three days. Obviously it’s not a real gain; either my lower number was false due to dehydration (which means I’ve essentially stayed the same weight for the past week), or my higher number is false due to water retention (for no comprehensible reason). But WHY? I haven’t done anything differently. I need to live in a universe that is controllable. I need to think that 2+2=4. Because to accept otherwise renders this whole exercise pointless. If nothing I do makes any difference, why not give up?

Yeah, he probably should hide those scales.

Arrivederci, frog!

Arrivederci, frog! (Snookums likes Cookie Monster.)


A-HA! With these strategies, I will mop the floor with Gadgetgirl the next time she forces me to play Scrabulous.

How to Clean Your Sewing Machine

How to clean your sewing machine. I really need to do that.


In case you didn’t notice, Snookums has finally restored CouchCam. (He upgraded our MythTV box to “Mythbuntu” a couple weeks ago, and that broke the web cam uploading.) Of course, he mispelled his own wife’s website name on the captioning…

Update: He’s fixed it already!

Get Excited and Make Things

Don’t “Keep Calm and Carry On.” Get Excited and Make Things!

Whoopie Pies

I can confirm that Whoopie Pies are a staple in northeastern Indiana. My Mom used to make both the chocolate and the pumpkin versions. I believe that the local version used the Crisco-and-sugar mixture in the middle.