Month: October 2009 (page 3 of 6)

Food for the Future Fair

Food for the Future Fair
The Food for the Future Fair is in full swing, and the Knitters Guild stall is being mobbed by kids who want to knit. Here are the unsuspecting knitters right before the onslaught:

Food for the Future Fair - Guild Stall

And here’s what it looked like after the kids found us. Eeek!

The Snook and I got to watch Lord Mayor Clover Moore open the new food co-op (while wearing a T-shirt); I sampled some macaroons from Sweetness the Patisserie, and I finally got to meet fellow Chippendale blogger Steven Noble. Pretty fun! Now I’m off to run some errands, but I’ll be back at the knitting stall from 2pm-4pm.

Hallucinations in sensory deprivation tanks

Hallucinations in sensory deprivation after 15 minutes. See? That explains why I couldn’t sleep in the Outback. IT WAS TOO QUIET.

Baby Tassie Devils

Awwww, baby Tassie Devils are cute!

Elkhart in the news

Signs of economic recovery in Elkhart, Indiana. (Video) My mom sent me that link this morning. I’m glad the RV industry has picked back up, but I really hope folks have figured out that it can’t last. The electric cars project seems to best hope for putting everyone to work in a more sustainable industry.

Damn right.

“The woman at my polling place asked me, do I believe in equality for gay and lesbian people? I was pretty surprised to be asked a question like that. It made no sense to me. Finally I asked her, ‘What do you think I fought for on Omaha Beach?’” Phillip Spooner is a hero, and he just made me cry.

Breathe deep

Obviously I need this one too…

Roald Dahl Presentation

My Roald Dahl Presentation
I just realised that I completely forgot to tell you how it went! Two weeks ago I headed off to Willoughby Public School, where my nephew Kurt is a third grader. They’ve been studying Roald Dahl lately, and Kurt had showed his class my website. His teacher got excited and invited me to come give a talk. So I whipped up a little presentation and brought along some of the rare items from my Dahl collection. The kids were great, listening attentively and asking really good questions. (Third graders do fidget a lot though!) They were really excited that I got to visit Gipsy House and meet Liccy Dahl. I gave them a collective present of some Dahl-themed board games I was given by the manufacturer, and I lent their teachers a few books and movies. A very sweet little boy had evidently been nominated as the official “thanker,” and he presented me with a card and a W.P.S. pen and coffee mug. Sweet! At the end of the hour, one little girl asked if she could email me a story she’d written about Roald Dahl. “Sure,” I said. “Your teacher can give you my email address.” That set off a chorus of “Me too! Me too!” The teacher looked at me questioningly. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” “It’s fine,” I assured her. The next day I had more than 20 emails in my Inbox. (Whoops.) Overall it was a lot of fun, and I’m really grateful that they invited me. I may have to do it again next year!

Luxury Tampons

Luxury Tampons. I had the exact same reaction when I saw that stupid ad.

“I should like to die. I am sickened at the brute world which you are smiling with. I hate men and women more. I see nothing but thorns for the future … the world is too brutal for me – I am glad there is such a thing as the grave – I am sure I shall never have any rest till I get there … I wish I was either in your arms full of faith or that a Thunder bolt would strike me.” GOOD GRIEF, John Keats! And you thought your high school boyfriend was melodramatic.

Black Dog Syndrome

Black Dog Syndrome. This is why I’m so glad that Miss Fee was able to rescue all three of the kittens last Christmas. Petey and Tom would have had a rough time in a shelter!