Month: November 2015 (page 3 of 8)

Bathroom Tiling

It’s been a while since I shared a bathroom renovation update! Happily, progress has been made. The plumbing and electrical rough-ins were completed, and then two guys spent a day re-rendering all the walls. The floor was then levelled and waterproofed. A small “nib wall” was built to create room for the toilet connection. AND THEN the glorious tile got applied, and suddenly it was a room again!

Not much further to go…

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Electro-selfie to end #campjs. I had a fantastic time, and I met some amazingly smart and fun people!

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Knitted a tension swatch for @4colorcowboy’s sweater and realised it’s a perfect coffee cozy! #campjs

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The fog has come down the mountain, so my blinkenlights are a safety feature. #campjs

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I finished my #campjshat! It works! #campjs

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