Month: November 2015 (page 4 of 8)

Happy anniversary to us! 11 years with this scruffy-lookin’ nerf herder.

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My dentist gave me a mouth guard last year because I started grinding my teeth in my sleep. (My job was stressful.) This morning, I somehow managed to lose it before breakfast. I remember waking up, feeding the cats, making toast, and reading the Internet. Tonight we ransacked the house looking for it. I even went through the trash can. After half an hour, I found it… in the butter drawer in the fridge.
I didn’t even have butter on my toast. What the hell. 

Recently Favorited Tweets

I’m kind of a creative genius sometimes. #campjshat #almostdone

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Recently Favorited Tweets

  • mrogati: The Bechdel test for tech conferences: 1) two women speaking 2) on the same panel 3) not about women in tech.
  • zzap: The average click-through rate of banner ads (0.06%) is lower than the average failure rate of birth control:
  • mootpointer: Still the greatest StackOverflow response of all time.

Korean food! Kimchi stew with squash and kale, and spicy cucumber side dish. I made it all. :)

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In a way, this is all Cameron Adams’s fault.

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Womb Sweater

Lena Dunham wore a womb sweater to a Planned Parenthood event last month, and I LOVE IT.

Throwback Thursday: Susie the Deer

Throwback Thursday: Susie the Deer | Charlie Chat – My sister excitedly sent me this link on Facebook recently. I was thrilled! Our grandparents lived in Butler, Indiana when we were little, so we knew the legend of Susie the Deer. We may have even seen her on occasion venturing out from the woods behind Grandma Veva’s house. I definitely remember there was a salt lick on an old tree stump in the backyard (and may have even tasted it myself – EW). My Aunt Deb commented on FB:

Fed Susie many many times. She had her whole head and shoulders in Mom’s new house on Ivy Lane. We even put out a salt block for her. She would never let her fawns out of the woods behind our house. She loved potato chips. We stopped class one day cause she was sticking her head up to the screen, so we opened it up and fed her cookies. She was up town often, traffic just moved slow around her. Fond memories of growing up with her.

Isn’t that lovely?