
People on social media keep implying that I’m doing retirement incorrectly. I suspect they expected me to become a complete homebody and retire from public life? 🤷‍♀️ But really, it means I don’t have a full-time job and I spend my time how I like. Some days I’m helping out at a tech conference; other days I’m in my PJs playing videogames or in my craft room making something. After six years of doing pretty much nothing but AWS, it’s nice to pick and choose. I contain multitudes, people. 😂


Me: “What do you call a collection of Krisses?”
Kris Jenkins: “Well, a kris is a kind of knife in many cultures…”
🔪 🔪 #yow24


One of the challenges of being back at an event like YOW Brisbane is that it highlights how terrible my memory has become for faces. I’m usually good if I see a person’s nametag, but without it I will 100% reintroduce myself to someone I’ve met many times. 😔 Apologies in advance everyone – it’s not you; it’s definitely me!