You know in Amelie, when she returns the box of childhood treasures to Dominic Bretodeau? I feel like him right now. Thanks to the internet, I managed to track down my favorite holiday song of all time: Snoopy vs. the Red Baron. (Actually there are several versions of it, all from the same album, but my favorite one is the one with the “Christmas bells, those Christmas bells…” chorus.) I don’t think I’ve heard this song in twenty years. I can close my eyes and remember listening to it with my Dad on the stereo one early Christmas morning. It’s nice.

2 thoughts on “”

  1. nice, no mention of your lovely siblings in that fond memory. whatever! hey, i’m a commentin’ freak today…you have to find/download this mel blanc song called “ya das ist ein christmas tree.” it reminds me of that one on the disney soundtrack about all the colors, where he’s like, “red green yellow orange purple purple red…orange…green…blue…*PLAID*!” i love it. and this song talks about free candy, one of my favorite things about christmas.

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