Craft Weekend

Argyle VestWhat do baby pirates wear? Arrrrrgyle!
This was a very crafty weekend. I just can’t stop knitting baby clothes! They’re like knitting crack. As soon as you finish one, you’re on to the next. My sister made an offhand comment in an e-mail recently about dressing her kid (who is now two weeks overdue) in an argyle sweater, and I immediately thought of this design. It’s Debbie Bliss’s Argyll Slip Over from Baby Cashmerino 2. I casted this sucker on Thursday night and I finished it up this morning. Isn’t it cute? It’s got two buttons at the back of the neck too so it’ll fit over the bub’s noggin. And while some might laugh at the idea of knitting a sweater vest for a newborn, I say with a name like “Penn” we might as well get the kid started now! (I’ve also got enough left over to make some matching socks, I think.)

You’d think that’d be enough craftiness for one weekend, right? WELL, YOU’RE WRONG. On to the baked goods! The Snook made the sort that you can actually eat… while I made the sort that a baby can wear. Miss Fee came over for a visit today, and the Snook stunned us both with this tea of homemade scones with whipped cream and jam. They were delicious. (For those wondering, a scone is not real far off from an American-style biscuit. Maybe just a little sweeter.) And then, the most frivolous baby knit of all time – the Baby Tart Hat. I couldn’t resist. Of course, I now also have arthritis. I knit that sucker TODAY, folks! The “crust” is Lana Gatto Jaipur while the “filling” is Debbie Bliss Cathay. So it’s basically all cotton, and the majority of it is purling bobbles. I’M SERIOUS; MY HANDS HURT. I think it’s worth it though. We’ve blown up a balloon to the appropriate baby head size and the dampened hat is now blocking. (Sis, I don’t care if you think this is the stupidest thing ever. I just want one picture of a chubby-cheeked baby wearing this thing.)


Baby Tart

6 thoughts on “Craft Weekend”

  1. you are right about it being like knitting crack. i got the panda book ‘adorable baby knits’. dang, where do i start!?!

  2. Scones sweet? No way – flour, baking powder, salt, butter, milk. That’s the recipe. My fave additions are dates or cheese.

  3. Well, then, that’s a biscuit where I come from! 🙂

    (Actually real biscuits use lard instead of butter, which is what I think I mean by “sweet.”)

  4. I love that baby tart hat. I just need a baby to knit it for, Sizin it up to fit me would probably cause my hand to cramp and die.

  5. Oh goodness. And it’s not just the bobbles… You have to start by casting on for the ruffle, and that alone would probably take you a whole day!

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