As part of our barter arrangement for the Baker’s Edge pan, I’m knitting a Yoda Halloween costume for Kristen’s son Alexander. I found a great pattern for a felted Yoda hat along with a crossover Yoda sweater. I finished knitting the hat last week, so it was finally time to felt the sucker. I was a bit nervous… but it worked! Check out the before and after:
How cool is that? I blew up a balloon to the size of Alexander’s head, and that’s what the hat is blocking on in the second picture. Now I just need to get some fabric stiffener so I can make the ears stick out properly. And the jumper’s all knitted; all I have to do is sew it up. I can’t wait to see what it looks like on him!
yay! i love the ears! and the picture of you wearing the ears is great. alexander’s going to be the coolest baby in the neighbourhood come trick or treating time. too bad he’s not allowed candy yet. :o)
the pan is all packed up and ready to go.
Did you do something different with the edges of the ears of the Yoda hat? Yours look really great. Please reveal your secret.
Hi Beth! Nope, that’s just how they felted. You’re supposed to sew on the ears with the *wrong* side of the stockinette to the front, which threw me at first. But that allows the edges to curl over just that little bit. (I emphasized the curling when I stiffened the ears later.)