Month: August 2009 (page 4 of 7)

Haunted Pond

Powerhouse Museum Photo of the Day: Haunted Pond. I don’t know why that one resonated with me. I keep looking for creepy apparitions around the edge of the water.

David Sedaris on Australia

Remember when I went to see David Sedaris at the Opera House last year? He wrote a bit about Australia in this New Yorker essay.

Congrats to Beau!

Huge congratulations to Beau on running his first half-marathon! Fantastic accomplishment. His race report has given me some much needed inspiration in these last five weeks leading up to the Blackmore’s


After two weekends with races, I had a much-needed recovery week.

This week: 20km (12.5mi)
Last week: 24.9km (15.5mi)

My lower back is still killing me when I run though. I think I need to go to the physio again.

Koala Cupcakes

Ooh, Not Quite Nigella made Koala Cupcakes! Very cute, and extra points for patriotism.

Cookie Monster Cupcakes

Cookie Monster Cupcakes

Cookie Monster Cupcakes

It’s Cupcake Day for the RSPCA today, and I went all out. This was my inspiration, and I’d say they come pretty close! Tips for future googlers: I made plain vanilla cupcakes from a box mix. It’s helpful if you can fill the liners higher than usual; that way you get a nice rounded dome on top. The icing is just pre-made Betty Crocker vanilla, dyed to a brilliant sky blue with food colouring we got at Iced Affair. We also used the colouring to dye a bag of dessicated coconut the same colour. (Snookums put it in a big bag, added some drops of colour, and shook it all around.) So I iced the cupcakes and then sprinkled coconut all over. Then the tricky bit. I tried just cutting a slit and sticking the cookie in, but that didn’t work very well. So I started using a sharp knife to cut a smile-shaped wedge out of the top. I also used the knife to trim the sides of each cookie into a point (so I wasn’t ramming as much bulk down into the cupcake). That worked better. The eyes are made from large white chocolate buttons with a small chocolate chip stuck on. I used the knife to cut slits and then stuck the eyes down inside.

Now I just have to figure out how I’m going to get 24 of these to work!

Update: I sold out! Everybody loved them. So far I’ve taken in $78 in donations for the RSPCA. Not bad for a few hours’ playing in the kitchen…

Bring Back Arrested Development


Geekversity on Today Tonight

If any of you happened to catch Today Tonight last night (which I somehow doubt), the “making extra cash from home” segment heavily featured the Snook’s company.

Supersonic Mobile

Supersonic Mobile – cool stuff for your Australian mobile! (Oh, and also something I worked on. Just launched a couple days ago.)


This article about craft beers on tap at Buffalo Wild Wings reminded me how in college we always used to call the one in South Bend “BW-3s”. That inspired me to do some googling, where I learned that it was originally called “Buffalo Wild Wings & Weck”. A-ha! Now it makes sense.