Month: December 2010 (page 4 of 6)

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New niece!

Massive congratulations to my sister-in-law Kara and my brother Anthony on the arrival of their new daughter Olivia. Yay, I’m an Auntie again!

Kris Kringle!

Yesterday was our office “Kris Kringle,” where we all got to sit on Santa’s lap and collect a random present. I got a giant Toblerone!

Me and Santa

He was a very Aussie Santa. In addition to the thongs, he had a cold beer on the floor next to him. 🙂


Augmented Reality App for the Colour Blind. That’s so cool! And what a great idea. I’m not colour blind, but I know at least one guy in my office is. (I’ve already sent him the link.) The example with the green girl from Star Trek was great.

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The Suits of James Bond

For the Snook: “Sean Connery in Dr. No: The Template for James Bond.” An in-depth look at the secret agent’s costumes in his first film outing, from the guy who writes the The Suits of James Bond blog.

Art Sale

Looking for an original Christmas gift? My friend Anton is selling some of his artwork. I love his style, which has been featured on several magazine covers this year. You should check it out!