Indiana goes to Bush.

Indiana goes to Bush. Yeah, I saw that one coming a mile away. Huh, I wonder what I have to do as an absentee voter to change my address to a state where my vote might make more of a difference…


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  1. Pepole that don’t live here should not bitch,Good vote bad vote, does not matter just be glad we get to vote…Besides who wants a pres that looks like Eddy Munster….HA HA

  2. Pepole that don’t live here should not bitch,Good vote bad vote, does not matter just be glad we get to vote…Besides who wants a pres that looks like Eddy Munster….HA HA

  3. DUH…Edit…People…never did say I could type…

  4. I’d rather Eddie Munster than a monkey.

  5. I live in IN, and I know that *I’M* disappointed. AND I voted.

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